
Use Maven to trigger a wsgen & wsimport in a row, using wsdlLocation

I have hard times using maven to generate my client. So Please refer to for the first part of my question. To keep it simple and short, I want to go from here (a file in src/main/java) : package com.example.maven.jaxws.helloservice; ...

Need help with maven example

Hello all, I'm trying to learn maven ASAP as its required for my current work place. I found this great book which pretty much explains everything about maven. I'm using eclipse for java development and I installed maven eclipse plugin, in the book I mentioned above there is example(which may or may not be relevant) 4.2.1. Yahoo! Weath...

What is the best way to avoid maven-jar?

I am using a different plugin (ant4eclipse) to jar my files. What is the best way to avoid the maven-jar plugin from executing? I tried to remove the <plugin>maven-jar-plugin</plugin> I tried to <exclude> ** / * < / exclude> I tried to <skip>true</skip> None worked ...

Execute file from maven goal.

Hi. I like to integrate compass ( in my java project, and I need something to compile .sass files to css without running commands manualy. So is there a way to execute a file using some maven plugin or goal? ...

Maven's jetty plugin SSL configuration issue

I'm using Jetty's plugin for Maven, version 7.0.0.pre5, but I have issues configuring it to have a SSL Connector. Whenever I start the application, it fails stating that the requested implementation is not found. This is the plugin's configuration within my pom.xml <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty-mav...

Jetty Maven Plugin

Has Jetty been completely migrated over to Eclipse yet? I am using the Maven 2 plugin for Jetty version 7, 20091125. Just recently, I am getting session manager issues that I never had come up before (no session manager configured). The standalone instance is running the Eclipse version of Jetty, but the same version, 20091125. Is an...

Google App Engine 1.3.1 JAR's in publicly available Maven repository?

Is anyone aware of a publicly available Maven repository that contains the Google App Engine 1.3.1 JAR's? I've been using the maven-gae-plugin repository, but it's not updated yet. It looks like the JAR's on the central Maven repository are even older. EDIT: It looks like Cletus's answer below has most of the JAR's, but not all of them....

Maven: How can my mojo access its own resources?

I have a project (here called my-artifact) which needs to generate sources from a model file. I've created a maven-plugin (my-code-generator) which is used as described in the pom.xml excerpt below. It loads and processes the model.xml from my-artifact's resources and generates code using some predefined templates stored within the plugi...

How do you select the file name of a maven jar-with-dependencies?

I am creating an executable jar using the jar-with-dependencies component of the maven-assembly-plugin during the package phase of my maven lifecycle. However, I can't see a way to configure the name of the jar that is output. It appears to always be something like appname-1.1-r1011-jar-with-dependencies.jar How can i configure it ...

How do i provide site resources in the parent for all children modules to use?

In my parent project I have a site.xml (referencing a logo) and some resources: src/site/resources/images/logo.gif src/site/resources/css/our.css How do I make them available to all the children? The site.xml specifies the logo url as images/logo.gif but the file is not there when the child site is generated? ...

Add Maven generated site to generated package

Hi folks! In order to deliver an all-in-one Jar for our project, we are wondering if it is possible to include the project's generated site (generated via the site plugin) into the generated project's package? The idea behind this is very simple, we have a project named "sample" that demonstrates the usage of our API and we want to give ...

How to create a patched build with Maven?

I was wondering if there is a standard way (i.e. a plugin) to apply a set of patches during a Maven build. Patching the code base in a dedicated step before building is getting tedious as soon as you have different builds or generated sources. To give an example, this script should deploy 3 different versions from a fresh SVN checkout: ...

Using Maven to build an Eclipse Plugin - latest opinions

I am building a plugin for Eclipse - but as we use Maven as a standard build platform I would like to be able to build the plugin using Maven. I have found a previous question about using Maven with Eclipse Plugins - but as it is a year old I thought it was worthwhile collecting some new answers:

How to unpack artifact and filter resources?

I am finding a way how to copy any files to my web server using maven. I have a maven project which contains a sets of html, js, properties and configuration files. I would like pack my stuff and deploy to repository. After that in another maven project I would like to unpack files from artifact, filtering resources and copy to the spec...

How to add a file to a war with Maven

Hi all, I have developed a maven plugin that downloads the release notes from JIRA. It's bound by default to the 'generate-sources' phase and creates a 'release.txt' file in the build folder (${}). My question: how can I add this file in the 'WEB-INF' folder of the war file built by Maven ? I know I can use the ...

Difference of maven jaxb plugins

I have determined that two jaxb plugin for maven2 exist, with some different configurations. The one is from Sun: the other from Mojo: Has anybody experience with these two plugins, and give a recommendation? Thanks Matt. On my little research pr...

How to download complete maven remote repository to Local repository

Hello , Is there any to get the entire remote repository , say from , to my local repository (to %USERPROFILE%)? Thanks in advance for the help. Srinivas N ...

Maven-ear-plugin - excluding multiple modules i.e. jars, wars etc.

I've been using the Maven EAR plugin for creating my ear files for a new project. I noticed in the plugin documentation you can specify exclude statements for modules. For example the configuration for my plugin is as follows... <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-ear-pl...

How do I execute a program using Maven?

I would like to have a Maven goal trigger the execution of a java class. I'm trying to migrate over a Makefile with the lines: neotest: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.dhappy.test.NeoTraverse" And I would like mvn neotest to produce what make neotest does currently. Neither the exec plugin documentation nor the Maven Ant task...

force lifecycle prerequisite for maven plugin execution?

I use the maven-properties-plugin during the initialization phase to read in a bunch of properties from a properties file. I also have the jetty plugin configured to set a couple of the project properties - including those read in above - as system properties to jetty. If I run the result as mvn initialize jetty:run-war it works. I...