
Max square size for unknown number inside rectangle

If I have a set of tiles (squares) which can be any number and they are to fill a container (rectangle) of an unknown size how do I work out the maximum size of the tiles without having any of them overlap. So if I have 2 tiles and the rectangle is 100 * 100 then the max tile size is 50 * 50. This would also be the max size of tile if ...

$_FILES['file']['size'] echoing 0(zero) for files over upload_max_filesize

The problem is that I want to check if the file is too large to upload so that I can display a relevant error message, but when the file is larger than upload_max_filesize in php.ini it seems to be only displaying a 0. Why is this happening? How can I test that the file is too large to give a relevant error? ...

C++ vector max_size();

On 32 bit System. std::vector<char>::max_size() returns 232-1, size of char 1 byte std::vector<int>::max_size() returns 230-1, size of int 4 byte std::vector<double>::max_size() returns 229-1, size of double 8 byte can anyone tell me max_size() depends on what? and what will be the return value of max_size() if it runs on 64 bit ...