
MBCompression not minifying the webresouce.axd files

I'm using MBCompression on a project and the webresource.axd files aren't minifying. The HTML source is, can't figure why the webresource.axd is not. The server is IIS 6.0 with ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 installed. It also doesn't work via Cassini. Per the readme in the source, here's what's in my web.config: <configSections> <sectionGroup n...

MBCompression along side Telerik RadWindow = Bad rendering

I'm trying to use the MBCompression module in my app that also uses the Telerik RadWindow. The compression module does everything I expect it to, however, for some reason, my RadWindow's only render properly if I set "compressPage=false". Has anyone used MBCompression before? Any advice on this? ...