
Symbian C++ - Load and display image from .mbm file

I have a .mbm file that I copy to my device using this line in the .pkg file "$(EPOCROOT)epoc32\data\z\resource\apps\MyApp.mbm" -"!:\resource\apps\MyApp.mbm" Then in the draw function of my container I do this.. _LIT(KMBMFile , "\\resource\\apps\\MyApp.mbm" ); CFbsBitmap* iBitmap; iBitmap->Load(KMBMFile, 0); gc.BitBlt(Rect().iTl, iB...

Jump in m-file

I'm working with the m-file editor of MATLAB and I need to jump from a line to another. As long as I need to jump from inside a "For...end", I can't use the usual "while" technique. Is there anyway to jump from a line to another, like "goto" in C? Best Regards ...