
Can I make a DSN-less connection using pyodbc and mdbtools?

I've tried the following: >>> import pyodbc >>> cnxn = pyodbc.connect(Driver="MDB", database="SohabeD51.mdb") pyodbc.Error: ('08001', '[08001] [unixODBC]Could not find DSN in connect string (1) (SQLDriverConnectW)') Connecting to a database using a DSN entry works fine, but I'd like to supply a database in the code. ...

Is there a replacement for mdbtools?

I'm using mdbtools' SQL functionality to connect to an .mdb file on linux. Mdbtools is still beta and hasn't been updated since 2007, many features like sufficient SQL support aren't available yet. Features I need: SQL, either with python bindings or through ODBC. AS statement in SQL operations. JOIN if possible. Runs on non-windows. ...

Migrating MS Access data to MySQL: character encoding issues

We have an MS Access .mdb file produced, I think, by an Access 2000 database. I am trying to export a table to SQL with mdbtools, using this command: mdb-export -S -X \\ -I orig.mdb Reviewer > Reviewer.sql That produces the file I expect, except one thing: Some of the characters are represented as question marks. This: "He wasn't re...