
Does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC

Simple really, does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC in the sense that the output is structured data i.e. uses the structured data features of the protocol? Further, are there any limits on what can be put in the MDC and successfully appended to the log? ...

Does JMSAppender support passing MDC?

I am currently using Log4j for logging messages in my application. I am setting a few properties in MDC and currently using FileAppender with my own layout (that extends XmlLayout). Everything seems to be working fine. I want to switch to JMSAppender. When I do this, I see that the JMSAppender puts an ObjectMessage of type 'LoggingEven...

Log4j Dynamic Parameter

Hi. i have a j2ee web application running on spring framework and using log4j for logging. I have this line in my file. this will insert the logs in my database. How do I set a dynamic value in the message part so that I can somehow append the currently logged in user. The bean object containing info for the current user...

mdc error when decrypting GPG message

I have a client and server system that regularly run scheduled tasks and communicate through xml files that have been encrypted by gpg. All required public keys have been successfully exchanged between the client and server. The encryption and decryption calls are being done from a batch file. encrypt syntax gpg.exe --batch --yes --re...