
Maximized MDI form behavior

My program shows some browser. From a browser user can open maximized MDI form with some report. When user is closing the report, first MDI form with browser is became maximized. 2 forms have same MDI parent. Can I change this behavior to leave my first browser form without maximizing after second report closed? ...

MDI Child Form Load

Loading multiple child forms from a loop into a MDI parent form. They are displayed one at a time. I would like to display all the created forms at once. I tried only using the .Show() method after they are all created, but they still only display one at a time. ...

C#: Child form and Parent form refuse to close

I have a MDI application being developed using C# (VS2008). There are multiple child forms and they all seem to close when hitting the close button except for one form. And when this particular form is open the Parent form will not close either. I am not sure what other information to provide . Please help. ...

VB.Net 3.5 MDI Application - MDIChild forms stop opening after N memory has been used.

Hi Guys, I hope someone may be able to help! We have a pretty large VB.Net MDI application that has been converted from VB6. When it is first run up with no MDIChild forms opened it uses about 35,000K. As more and more forms are opened (but not closed) the memory usage (according to Task Manager) creeps up at approximately 4,000K per f...

c# main menu and mdi forms

Hi there. So far in my life, as a .net developer, I have made heavy use of mdi forms to display particular "menu points" such as for instance "module 1" "module 2" and so on. I have been doing this the following way: create a parent form with "isMdiContainer" set to "true" create a menu strip in in the mdi container create a child for...

problem with mdi

hi there How to Disable the scroll bar in MDI Parent in c# and winapp ? ...

Merge menu strip items for MDI windows

How can I merge menu items of parent form and child form with same menu name? ...

MDI Child at toolstripcontainer

Hi probably a very small issue - but I have no idea... I added MDIChild Forms to a toolstripcontainer ala: f.MdiParent = this; this.toolStripContainer2.ContentPanel.Controls.Add(f); f.Show(); This works quiet fine, but all the sudden I cannot activate this childs, i.e. Clicking to one of these windows will not keep it active. The wind...

mdiparent click

The click ,double click on mdi parent of the .net MDI form does not work is it a bug? ...

After using ShowScrollBar() from win32 API, MdiClient scroll-bars disappear when used?

I have a form class called MDIParent that has IsMdiContainer = true. The form load handler enumerates this.Controls to find the MdiClient container window and assign it to the clientWindow class variable. The handler also disables the AutoScroll property in an attempt to preserve the scroll bars once I manually update them with this cod...