
Why RPM is better than DEB for MeeGo?

I know there has been a lot fuzz about this subject on various forums and newsgroups concerning the merge of Moblin and Maemo. I'd like to know what stackoverflow-fellows think about this. What are the benefits of RPM packaging over DEB that make it better choice for MeeGo? ...

Which GUI framework to learn when you know scripting and HCI

I have some knowledge about Human computer interaction and some basic knowledge programming scripts (Python) that run from start to finish and automate some tasks I want to do or calculations. In the past I built interfaces in HTML with PHP behind it. I would like my python scripts to evolve from the command line and build some applicat...

What's the relationship between the Intel Atom Developer Program and the MeeGo operating system?

I'm trying to understand the relationship between the Intel Atom Developer Program (IADP) and the new OS called MeeGo. IADP let's me create applications that run on both MeeGo as well as Windows devices, as long as the device is based on the Atom processor. The IADP apps are published in an app store called AppUp, which is very much lik...

Yum failing conditions

Hello, I would like to now what happens if yum starts updating and during update user (force)shuts down computer ? What are the dangerous parts of update process if user shut down pc ? ...