
I am getting an error when trying to use melt() on a dataframe containing Dates

I'd like to melt the dataframe so that in one column i have dates in a second i have username as the variable and finally the value. I'm getting this error: Error in as.Date.numeric(value) : 'origin' must be supplied and while I understand the error I'm not exactly sure how to get around it. A small sample of the data is: structure(...

melt command line player issue : interlacing not supported by codec

I installed melt (using MLT framework) in one of my linux machine and is trying to performa simple video editing operation. Following is the command i issued: melt avformat-novalidate:clip1.mpeg -consumer avformat:clip1-grey.mpeg -verbose The output video is not gettting created properly and also it is giving an error like : [mpeg1v...

Melt: generated mp4 is not playing properly in flash player

I created an mp4 using the melt command line player by mixing two videos. Following is the melt command used for the generation melt -blank 0 avformat:/var/www/html/myscenario/app/web/files/videos/1l_926.flv in=0 out=540 -track -blank 300 avformat:/var/www/html/myscenario/app/web/files/videos/1h_376.mp4 in=300 out=900 -consumer avformat...