
What all is not permitted with const member functions?

class A{ private: int a; public: A() {a = 4;} const int& random1() const {return a; } //int& random2() const {return a; } const int* random3() const {return &a;} //int* random4() const {return &a;} }; int main(){ A objA; cout<<objA.random1()<<"\n"; cout<<*objA.random3()<<"\n"; } random2() an...

CPP templated member function specialization

Hi, I'm trying to specialize the member function moment() only (not the hole class) like this: template<class Derived, class T> class AbstractWavelet { public: [...] template<bool useCache> const typename T::scalar moment(const int i, const int j) const { return abstractWaveletSpecialization<Derived, T, useCache>::moment(sta...

const type qualifier soon after the function name

Might be a basic question.Still i am eager to know it from this forum as i like the explanations given here. In C++ some times i see members like below: return_type Function_name( datatype parameter1, datatype parameter2 ) const { /*................*/} what does this const type qualifier exact do over here. ...

When do we need a .template construct

I made the following program #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> template<class T> struct Class { template<class U> void display(){ std::cout<<typeid(U).name()<<std::endl; return ; } }; template<class T,class U> void func(Class<T>k) { k.display<U>(); } int main() { Class<int> d; func<in...

How to specialize member functions based on class template argument

What the question says. In addition, is it possible to do this inline? Here is a small example just to give an idea... template<typename T> class Foo { public: Foo() :z(0.0) {} void do( const Foo<T> &f ) { z = f.z; } // specialize 'do' for Foo<int>, possible inline? private: T z; }; ...

What are all the member-functions created by compiler for a class? Does that happen all the time?

What are all the member-functions created by compiler for a class? Does that happen all the time? like destructor. My concern is whether it is created for all the classes, and why is default constructor needed? ...

Exporting member function of a static library

Is it possible (or relevant at all) to export member functions of a static library? When I "dumpbin /EXPORTS" my .lib file I don't see any of my defined class members. Linking to this lib file succeeds, but I use an external tool that fails to read non-exported symbols. Also tried adding a .def file with no results. ...

Error C2275 caused by template member function. Is this code wrong?

Hello all, I think I've run into a (possible) VC6 (I know. It's what we use.) compiler error, but am open to the fact that I've just missed something dumb. Given the following code (It's just an example!): #include <iostream> // Class with template member function: class SomeClass { public: SomeClass() {}; template<class T> T ge...

no matching function in template class

I get no matching member function error when i try to compile this code on my mingw32 compiler #include <iostream> using std::cout; template <class T> class Pattern { public: Pattern(): element(){ cout<< "default c-tor"; } Pattern(Pattern &copy): element(copy.element){ cout<< "copy c-tor"; } ...

c++ member function specialisation of a class that has a template as a parameter

I am working on a template class Array, which accepts another template TRAITS as a parameter. template <typename BASE, typename STRUCT> class Traits { public: typedef BASE BaseType; typedef STRUCT Struct; // .. More here }; template <class TRAITS> class Array { public: typedef TRAI...

How to tell if class contains a certain member function in compile time

say there are 2 classes: struct A{ int GetInt(){ return 10; } }; struct B{ int m; }; I want to use object of type A or B in following function tempate< typename T > int GetInt( const T & t ) { //if it's A, I'll call: return t.GetInt(); //if its' B, I'll call: return t.m; } Now, because there are whole bunch of classes, some c...