
Accessing a protected member variable outside a class

I'm querying for the ID of a field by accessing a class function which someone has already put in place. The result is a object returned with protected member variables. I'm struggling to see how I can access the member variable values outside the class. ...

isMemberOfClass problem

Hi All, I'm trying to log if an object in my mutable array is a member of the class NSString. Here is my code: id obj = [mutArr objectAtIndex:1]; BOOL classMem = [obj isMemberOfClass:[NSString class]]; NSLog(@"%@", classMem); Instead of printing YES or NO, I get the output (null). Can you please tell me why this is the case? Than...

How to initialize a shared_ptr that is a member of a class?

Hi, I am not sure about a good way to initialize a shared_ptr that is a member of a class. Can you tell me, whether the way that I choose in C::foo() is fine, or is there a better solution? class A { public: A(); }; class B { public: B(A* pa); }; class C { boost::shared_ptr<A> mA; boost::shared_ptr<B> mB; void...

Explicit template instantiation with member template function

I have a template class with a template member function. I want to explicitly instantiate the class to avoid a drastic compilation slowdown. I am using g++ 4.1.2. I get ambiguous template specialization errors from the compiler. This the shortest code which will reproduce the problem: template <class T, class S > class Test { public: ...

Boost Phoenix: Binding to reference members of structures?

I would like to use Boost Phoenix to generate a lambda function for use in a std::find_if operation on a structure that contains reference-type members. A contrived example is as follows: struct MyStruct { MyStruct() : x(0) {} int& x; }; std::vector<MyStruct> AllStructs; // Search the array for an element for which x == 5...

Trailing underscores for member variables in C++

I've seen people use a trailing underscore for member variables in classes, for instance in the renowned C++ FAQ Lite. I think that it's purpose is not to mark variables as members, that's what "m_" is for. It's actual purpose is to make it possible to have an accessor method named like the field, like this: class Foo { public: bar...

How to automatically grab a member's profile photo?

Hi I know about, are there any other sites offering similar features? Thanks ...

C++ template static member instantiation

#include <map> #include <iostream> template <typename T> class A { static std::map<int, int> data; public: A() { std::cout << data.size() << std::endl; data[3] = 4; } }; template <typename T> std::map<int, int> A<T>::data; //std::map<int, int> A<char>::data; A<char> a; int main() { return 0; } What is wrong with this? Wit...

Flexible array of pointers to char in a struct - Please help!!!

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a ring buffer with the following struct /*head, tail are indexes of the head and tail of ring buffer *count is the number of elements; size is the max size of buffer *rbArray is an array to pointer of char used to store strings */ struct rb{ int head; int tail; int count; int size; char...

Dynamically list all members of a class

Hi, Is it possible in C++ to dynamically (during run-time) get a list of all members of the class? Greetings ...

Data encapsulation in C# using properties

Hi guys, currently I am thinking about data encapsulation in C# and I am a little bit confused. Years ago, when I started to learn programing with C++, my professor told me: - "Create a class and hide it data members, so it can't be manipulated directly from outside" Example: You are parsing an XML file and store the parsed data into ...

Is `this` keyword optional when accessing members in C#?

I notice that if you have a private member in a class, you can access it in the class methods by just referring to it's name. You do not need to say this.memberName, just memberName works. So is the this keyword optional in the context of member access? I do see it is useful when you want to clarify the scope - when you have 2 variables...

Implementing vanity URL for individual users in PHP

How would one go about implementing a vanity URL for each user in PHP? I'm implementing my web-app's login system as a tweaked version of the Drax LLP Login system. So, each user should be able to modify his profile which will finally appear on his vanity URL .. like Any tips / ideas? Thanks.. ...

how do i access static member of a class?

Hi guys, I am trying to access static member of a class. my class is: class A { public static $strName = 'A is my name' public function xyz() { .. } .. } //Since i have bunch of classes stored in an array $x = array('A'); echo $x::$strName; I am getting error while printing. How can i print 'A is my name'...

Best method for accessing static members

In my previous question I found two solutions for accessing static members. I would like to know which one is the better way, and why. Using reflection Using object methods using eval ...

Class members that are objects - Pointers or not? C++

Hi, If I create a class MyClass and it has some private member say MyOtherClass, is it better to make MyOtherClass a pointer or not? What does it mean also to have it as not a pointer in terms of where it is stored in memory? Will the object be created when the class is created? I noticed that the examples in QT usually declare class ...

Why isn't this compiling?

I'v created this class here: //Integer rectangle class class AguiRectangle { int x; int y; int width; int height; public: bool isEmpty { return x == 0 && y == 0 && width == 0 && height == 0; } int getTop() { return x; } int getLeft() { return y; } int ge...

Access property with define()'d token?

I'd like to do this: <?php define('X', 'attribute_name'); // object $thing is created with member attribute_name echo $thing->X; ?> Attempting $thing->X, PHP takes X to be a property of $thing, and ignores the fact (rightly so) that it's a define()'d token. That in mind, I had expected $thing->{X} to work, but no dice. The only solu...

Deep copy of vector<Point> myArr

In order to make a deep copy of myArr, vector <Point> myArr; where Point is a class with 2 ints as members, Do I need to do something special? or is ok with vector <Point> otherArr = myArr; I need to delete some points in otherArr but at the same time I need all the points in myArr for later usage. thanks in advance ...

If I can take a normal pointer to a variable within a class, what's the point of class member pointers?

Take this code: struct mystruct { int var; mystruct() : var(0) {} }; int main() { mystruct ins; int* p = &ins.var; *p = 1; } So what are some concrete really good examples of uses for the class member pointer? int X::*p = &X::data; /* p contains offset */ X object; X *objptr = new X; int i = o...