
How to use multiget with memcache in PHP

Hi! Just like the title, how would a multiget from memcache look like? Is this the correct way of utilizing multiget? : $memcache_obj = new Memcache; $memcache_obj->connect('memcache_host', 11211); $var = $memcache_obj->get(Array('some_key', 'second_key')); Thanks UPDATE: anyone looking to do the same, check out this addition as w...

Google App Engine Memcache - Sliding expiration

Is there support for sliding expiration in the GAE MemcacheService? I can do a crude implementation where following every get() I do a put(). This will effectively reset the expiration time but this obviously is not an efficient solution. Any pointers on how I can implement this more efficiently? Thanks, Keyur ...

Is it possible to store a resource in memcache?

I have not tried yet, as I would rather not spend time setting up memcached if this is not going to work... I am using Ruby. Is is possible to store a resource, such as an FTP connection, in memcache? ...

Memcached: providing TTL setting while connection creation.

I want to set the TTL for the keys while creating the connection. Right now I am setting it while writing to the cache. Is there a configuration parameter for this? ...

Memcached and Rails Fragment Caching Issue

When I have 2 views that fragment cache the same query BUT display them differently, there is only one fragment and they both display it the same way. Is there any way around this? For example... #views/posts/list - cache(@posts) do - for p in @posts = p.title #views/posts/list_with_images - cache(@posts)...

Error message: uninitialized constant Rails::Initializer::MemCache

I've installed just about every library/gem that I could find for memcached/memcache, but everytime I attempt to run my application I get this error: Error message: uninitialized constant Rails::Initializer::MemCache Exception class: NameError I have tried $ telnet localhost 11211 and memcached is definitely running. Any ideas? (I'm...

How do you set cache time lenght of memcache with Zend_cache?

I know that you can specify how long you want an object cached in memcache, however I setup memcache with Zend's Zend_Cache and there does not appear to be documentation related to how long the item stays in cache. Anyone know how to do this? ...

Using ActiveRecord caching library in Heroku

Hi all, I'm studying how to use caching in Heroku for my Rails app. HTTP cache powered by Varnish is superb and I'll use it in all pages without user info but I also want to use a kind of ActiveRecord caching with Memcached using "high livel" plugins such as cache_fu or cache-money...but it seems that Heroku supports only the memcached g...

Nearmap architecture

Looking at, Just wondering if you can approximate how much storage is needed to store the images? (NearMap’s monthly city PhotoMaps are captured at 3cm, 5cm, 7.5cm, or 10cm resolution) And what kind of systems/architecture is suitable to deliver those data/images? (say you are not Google, and want to implement t...

What is the maximum length in seconds to store a value in memcache

The Google App Engine memcache documentation states that the time parameter of memcache.set() is an "Optional expiration time, either relative number of seconds from current time (up to 1 month), or an absolute Unix epoch time." So I tried to set a value for 30 days, which according to Google is 2 592 000 seconds. However, I highly sus...

Consistant hashing with memcache

Hi everyone, I am setting up a new web app that will on the client side feature a multi-memcached server environment for reliability and performance. Would it be wise for us to utilize something like Flexihash to make it better to replicate the data between the memcache servers? Reference: Thanks! ...

ASP.NET or PHP: Is Memcached useful for storing user-state information?

This question may expose my ignorance as a web developer, but that wouldn't exactly be a bad thing for me now would it? I have the need to store user-state information. Examples of information that I need to store per user. (define user: unauthenticated visitor) User arrived to the site from google/bing/yahoo User utilized the search ...

memcached - what is a good method to cache common queries, but also handle invalidation?

I understand the need for a function like DB_Get_Cached("sql string") that hashes the SQL in order to perform a lookup in memcached for the existence of the data. function DB_Get_Cached(string SQL) data = memcache_get_data(md5(SQL)) if (!data) return DB_Get(SQL) end if end function What is a good method to expand this to handle ...

ASP.NET + memcached - where and when should I check for conditions to invalidate data?

I am concerned about how and when to check for conditions that warrant invalidating data in the cache. I'm thinking in terms of e-commerce product listing or user-profile information. Should this be done with a separate service that runs periodically that checks for old or changed data? Should we rely on database triggers to let us kn...

How to efficiently serve massive sitemaps in django

I have a site with about 150K pages in its sitemap. I'm using the sitemap index generator to make the sitemaps, but really, I need a way of caching it, because building the 150 sitemaps of 1,000 links each is brutal on my server.[1] I COULD cache each of these sitemap pages with memcached, which is what I'm using elsewhere on the site.....

RDMS with memcached or NOSQL database like MongoDB/CouchDB?

Data in question would be mainly text with a one to many relationship (for example HTML pages) . I know that one can do "cache for x number of days" in memcached however how easy would that be to implement in NO SQL ? Thank you again and I apologize in advance if I am not making sense ...

Do you guys know of any good File based caching for PHP?

The data to be cached is going to be HTML files and are to be retained anywhere from 3 days to a week. My understanding is that memcached would not be a good solution here since if the server goes down, we lose everything. Thank You ...

Failed to save data at the server from memcached program

hi i want to know why i cant store multi dimensional(array size is more than 1000) $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect"); the above s working correctly... the below one have error... $memcache->set('key', $sear, false, 60) or die ("Failed to save data at the server"); i...

Caching in Ruby Gem, possibly not using Rails

I am rewriting an existing Ruby Gem to include caching. This is for a gem that is relatively commonly used, and accesses a large amount of static data on a web service. Currently, I have a small number of gem users doing a large number of accesses to the service that under normal conditions would be swamping / downing the service, and ...

PHP Extension (memcache|memcached) not showing in phpinfo() but showing in php -m and php -i?

I am getting both modules listed as installed / configured when I use: php -m or if I use: php -i but when I use: $m = new Memcache; // or $m = new Memcache(); // or $m = new Memcached(); //or $m = new Memcached; I get the following error: Fatal error: Class 'Memcached' not found I am running on a Mac - OS X (10.5.7) with de...