
IBM WebSphere Message Broker SOAP request timeout

Created .NET WCF service, tested it - works. Generated schemas from Data and service contracts, put messages to Message Broker generated Message Flow from it, tested it using simple mapping (requestMessage=responceMessage) - works. Also I can reach MB from another application and send/recieve SOAP messages. But when I try to create requ...

SQL Server Message Broker - External Activation

I have a Sql Server inside a restricted network. I need to somehow get data from the outside in. I would like to harness the use of Message Broker. My thinking is the external db places a message on a queue then I require a service that sits inside of the restricted LAN to listen (poll?) for these messages and then act upon them. I can...

ActiveMQ C# + network of brokers

Hello, I'm setting up a notification service using ActiveMQ, in C#. My ActiveMQ topology is a network of brokers: I've a pool of brokers and my clients use the failover uri to randomly connect to any of them. My question is rather simple but I was not able to find the answer: I want to debug to which broker the messages are originally s...

What the best way to move IBM Message Broker components between DEV, QA and PROD environments?

On a SOA project we start to employ IBM WebSphere Message Broker to orchestrate .NET-based web services. We have distinct DEV, QA and PROD environments for the system being developed. WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit would be used to develop message flows in DEV. And with DEV everything is more or less clear. For QA and PROD we aim to...

Is there a Message Bus provider that allows for Durable Subscribersand full replay?

I am trying to find a message bus provider that supports Durable Subscribers and allows me to replay, in order, based on the message timestamp, all messages for a given topic. Futhermore, I would like the message bus to reset each durable consumer's checkpoint when a message arrives late. E.g. Client subscribes to topic 1 at 2009-12-22...

Setting LDAP Configuration in IBM Websphere Message Broker

Hi ...., I'm a newbe for message broker. I'm trying to create webservice security in message broker authenticated using LDAP. but the authentication is always fail in my SOAP message header I have specify the right user: wpsadmin and right password : 123 this is my ldap configuration: Quote: mqsicreateconfigurableservice WBRK61_DEFAU...

how can I send messages to/from a Websphere Message Broker from an embedded C client (no JVM)?

What are my options for pubsubing (or point to point but pubsub is better) messages to and from an IBM message broker from an embedded headless C/C++ linux client that doesn't have a JVM? Ideally we want large file transfer (2GB once per day off of the client) encryption (SSL) reliable ('assured' delivery / QoS2, maybe QoS1 would do) ...

seting ODBC Datasource in IBM AIX server

Hi ..... I have develop IBM Message broker flow database application in windows xp environment. the database accessed using ODBC datasource. basically, I use compute node with esql programming to select query in database, and I set the datasource in the compute node properties. Now want to deployed my project to AIX server. but, I dont...

Create XML DocType element

Hi all, Please I am working with IBM message broker, and I want to know how to create (in java/esql) DOCTYPE element in a message as the following: <!DOCTYPE COMMAND PUBLIC "any//DTD any//EN" "xml/command.dtd"> <COMMAND> ...... <COMMAND> I tried: MbElement root = outMessage.getRootElement().getLastChild(); MbElement xmlDocType = r...

Message Broker Queues and MessageType

What's the standard wisdom and considerations for dividing up a message queue? Assuming relatively small number of messages (< 1000/day), does it make sense to combine multiple message types into a single queue and have consumers use selectors to filter them? Or, should a single queue only handle a single message type? A couple of pos...

When to use Java and Message Broker?

I am a developer at my office where SOA development is at its peaks. We use IBM MQ, IBM Message Broker and Java/J2EE Technologies. I have been currently put into project where Message Broker is used to develop a middleware which interacts between two applications. I am not quite sure if Message Broker is the right option for such kind ...

PHP & SOAP what use is a message broker?

I'm working on a solution to make certain data from a large database available to a remote website. My first thought was to simply cook up some soap web services to fetch certain data from the database. This could be done in just a few line, for instance like this, with the user of Zend_Soap_Server: class MyClass { public function ...

Getting BIP1350E error while trying to connect MQSI 2.1

BIP1350E: The current operation has timed out. One or more requests have been sent to the Configuration Manager to process the current operation, but no reply has been received for the last request sent. Either your request has queued up behind a long-running request by another user, or the Configuration Manager has stopped. Check th...

ActiveMQ without persistence

Hi, I'd like to set up a publisher-subscriber based communication protocol between a server producing messages and many clients receiving them. After a bit of research, I decided to go with ActiveMQ. I looked at a few tutorials and the ActiveMQ site and set up the broker as follows: BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();