so, i am trying to use CArray like this :
CArray<CPerson,CPerson&> allPersons;
int i=0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
but when compiling my program, i get this error :
"error C2248: 'CObject::CObject' :
cannot access private member declared
in class 'CObject' c:...
Possible Duplicate:
error using CArray
Duplicate :
so, i am trying to use CArray like this :
CArray<CPerson,CPerson&> allPersons;
int i=0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
but when compiling my progra...
I have a VC++ MFC dialog application and in my OnTimer function I am just trying to determine which button in my dialog currently has focus.
Here is some psuedocode of what I am trying to accomplish....
CButton *btn = GetButtonOnFocus();
int btnID = btn->GetDlgCtrlID();
Any help would be great...
I have created an editbox as:
m_EditWnd.Create(m_hWnd, rect, NULL, ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_CHILD |
There is a style for horizontal alignment as ES_CENTER for horizontal text alignment, but can we a...
Hi all, I've got a bit of a problem with my application using MSHTML. I have everything working except for the odd keystroke missing behavior when typing fast as mentioned in the subject line. I think it may have to do with the method I use to sink the events?
The details: my application is a separate program written in C++ and MFC in V...
I try to catch WM_POWERBROADCAST message when the system goes into sleep mode.
I'm doing like :
BOOL CPowManApp::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if(pMsg->message == WM_POWERBROADCAST || pMsg->message == WM_POWER)
CString strMessage;
strMessage.Format(_T("%d WM_POWERB%s wParam %x lParam %x"),
I am looking for a C++ feed library.
Where can I find one?
I need to be able to access feeds from my MFC application. I would like to have a library that can deal with RSS, audio, video, and whatever else it can fit.
I'm trying to track down an issue in our MFC code that looks like a resource limitation issue. Memory and CPU look fine. According to the processes tab on the Task manager our GDI objects look in line with other applications, but our USER objects appear to be a factor of 10 greater then other applications.
What is a "USER object" and...
I have an application that is using about 100k more of the Desktop Heap in this version then it did last version. Is there a way I can see what is on the Desktop Heap and how big the individual objects are? Using Dheapmon I was able to see what percentage of the heap I was using, but I want more details.
We have created a toolbar. there is a static control on toolbar and we have placed ab icon image over that static control. problem is that static control is having its own color and we are unable to make it transparent with respect to the browser theme color.
so our icon appears to have some background color when browser themes are chan...
I want my tree view control to show an item with a folder icon next to it.
so, i wrote this piece of code :
HBITMAP hFolderBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),_T("info.bmp"),IMAGE_BITMAP,20,20,LR_LOADFROMFILE|LR_CREATEDIBSECTION);
Does anyone know where I can get MFC ListView Control just like the one that FeedDemon uses ?
one which can be used to do grouping of items (FeedDemon).
I have a SQLite DB with one Table : Folder.
when, i try to access it by running this query ("select * from Folder") against the DB, I get an error : SQLITE_DB[4] . I am using the CppSQLite3DB library ( ) .
here is my code :
#include "CppSQLite.h"
CString sql;
I have a simple UDP client/server program that that sends (server) a text string and receives (client) that text string to display on the dialog box. This is a MFC C++ program and I have it working properly in Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio 2003 in both the debug and release versions. I am trying to get the same code executing o...
Is it possible to put a menu in a dialog based application? How?
I'm using SQLite to store my program's state. sqlite3_exec() accepts the SQL query as a string. So I have a lot of code that builds such queries by concatenating numerous CString instances and a feeling that I'm doing something wrong.
Is there a better way of doing this staying within primitives provided within SQLite and MFC?
I have created one MFC Dialog Based if i am
running the application its working fine,instead of closing
the application i minimized the application,if i run the
application again,i am getting the Dialog.
I want to prevent the calling of application multiple times.
please give me the code
I'm migrating an application to Qt from MFC.
The MFC app would use GDI calls to construct the window (a graph plot, basically). It would draw to a memory bitmap back buffer, and then BitBlt that to the screen. Qt, however, already does double buffering.
When the user clicks and drags in the graph, I'd like that section of the window ...
Hi all, I'm writing a program using MFC Dialog based application to read a video. I'm using videolabs package as a reference. The error which I get when I compile the program is
1>c:\users\prashanth\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\videodemo34\videodemo34\videodemo34dlg.cpp(105) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which ...
Hi all,
When I'm running a program which is used to read an video I'm getting an error referring to Heapsize which is shown below:
EAP[videodemo34.exe]: Invalid address specified to RtlSizeHeap( 04EC0000, 00254CE8 )
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in videodemo34.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, and indicates a bug ...