
if you reimplemented twitter, what would you do differently?

I just saw the hilarious "The Rise and Fall of Twitter" which made me think: if you reimplemented twitter, what would you do differently? What technologies would you use? What languages? How do you ensure that the service is scalable? What else would you change? ...

SharePoint 2010 My Sites versus custom code for Social Networking / Micro-Blogging

What kind of features does the upcoming SharePoint 2010 have in regards to functionality that is like those found in: FriendFeed, Twitter, Google Wave? Flickr or Digg (tagging and voting)? How much of this do you get "for free" with SP 2010 or would you still have to code it all yourself? Any one know what that have added to My Sites? ...

Database for microblogging startup

Hello, I will do microblogging web service (for school, so don't blast me for lack of new idea) and I worry that DB could be often be overloaded (user could following other users or even tag so I suppouse that SELECT will be heavy - check 20 latest messages which contains all observing tags and user). My idea is create another table, an...

Microblogging engine in Java

Is anybody aware of any Twitter/Identica like microblogging opensource engine written in Java. My basic requirement is that user should be able to 1) Write short comments on some entities in the web application 2) Privacy features like do not show name/email 3) Like/dislike a comment 4) Optionally, track user location Most of the ones ...