
certifications for C# Developers.

Hello All, I am working as a software developer. Are there any certifications for C# Developers. Please help me out. Thanks in advance. Regards Harsha ...

which MS certification should I take?

Hi, I'm a 2 years experienced .NET developer and now I'm trying to get a MS certification to make sure my skill meets some standard or maybe for brighter resume. As far as I research, 2 certs suitable now are MCTS and MCPD but I still not sure about which to take? What is difference? Can I immediately take MCPD and dont care about MCTS...

How long can I take between Microsoft Certification Exams?

Is there a max time I can take in between taking Microsoft Certification exams? If I wait too long, do I lose past credit? Thanks! ...

What .net certifications I can do?

Hi, I am working on .net 3.5 on windows and web technologies . Can any suggest me regarding certification details, how can I proceed? What certifications i can do? Thank you nRk ...

I'm looking for a website where has the list of posters about Microsoft Certificates roadmap/learning-path.

All what I found are separate pdf files. I need to find the whole list (greedy :D) but don't know where to find. Do you have any ideas on that? [Edit] Files I've found (by google for it): File 1 File 2 ...

Which books should I invest :) to learn everything about developing a windows form using visual studio 2010?

I'm aiming at the skill measured listed in Microsoft certificate 70-511 but not sure which book(s) to learn from. If you were me, what would you recommend? ...

World's Youngest Microsoft Trainer?

Hi Maybe not the right place, but i couldnt find any updated source for this. I want to know if there is any updated list of current World's youngest Microsoft's MCTS, MCPDs, etc and Microsoft Certified Trainers? How does someone know if he is a youngest MCPD now? right after exam or someother way? A detailed reply is appreciated. ...

Which books should I study for Microsoft certifications 71-586 and 71-506?

I want to take the examinations of certification: "71-586 Pro Designing and Developing Windows Azure Applications" and "MCTS 71-506 - Silverlight 4 Development", but do not know which books are recommended. ...