
DUnit Testing in a Midas/DataSnap project

How does one setup DUnit Testing in a Midas/DataSnap project in Delphi 2006 Edit How does one set up a Dunit Test into a TRemoteDataModule The project wizard in Delphi 2006 does not work with TRemoteDataModule ...

Datasnap : Is there a way to detect connection loss globally ?

Hi everybody, I'm looking to detect local connection loss. Is there a mean to do that, as with the events on the Corelabs components ? Thanks EDIT: Sorry, i'm going to try to be more specific: I'm currently designing a protoype using datasnap 2009. So i've got a thin client, a stateless server app and a database server. What i would ...

Temporary table resource limit

Hi, i have two applications (server and client), that uses TQuery connected with TClientDataSet through TDCOMConnection, and in some cases clientdataset opens about 300000 records and than application throws exception "Temporary table resource limit". Is there any workaround how to fix this? (except "do not open such huge dataset"?) up...

Finding when an Iframe's content changes when in designMode

I have an Iframe which I have enabled designMode on. Quite simply I would like to have a callback function called if the cursor in the Iframe moves or content changes. It seemed quite simple at first but I can't use onchange/ onkeyup on the Iframe. I assume I need to add an event to a member of the Iframe. I've tried frames['writer'].d...

Delphi 6 with ADO + Oracle returns NUMBER with different precision, generating BCD overflow

Hello, I'm having a problem with Delphi 6 + Oracle 10gR2 + ADO + ClientDataSet. Whenever I run a aggregate function on a field NUMBER(19,9), the resulting column returns a NUMBER datatype to Delphi, and on some machines it loads as a TBCDField with a precision of 38, and everything goes well, but on some machines it loads as a TBCDField...

Handling update errors in multiple records in the TClientDataset's ReconcileError method

I'm trying to use the ReconcileError event to allow the user to correct the data after an update error which occurred in a specific record among others. Example: I have a dataset with one field and 3 records, this field have a unique constraint on the database, then I change one value to conflict when it reaches the database, then I ca...

How to find the "foreign key" field name on a nested TClientDataSet?

Given a nested TClientDataSet, how could I find the link field name on the detail TClientDataSet? I'm copying data from one TClientDataSet to another (record by record) and I would like to automatically ignore the link field. I could also copy the data using the TClientDataSet.Data property but I still would need to clear the link and ...

Best way to open, and write (save) content in an iframe

I would like to know the best method to open an html file to an iframe that has document.designMode="on" functionality, and then save any edits to this html file (essentially an open and save method for the Mozilla Midas spec) I only would like to use javascript or PHP moz midas spec I am very new to javascript so please excuse me if...

HtmlEditor and increase/decrease font size with Midas commands

I came across some cross-browser weirdness while trying to integrate the ExtJs HtmlEditor into our project: If you decrease/increase the font size in Firefox3.6, it wraps the selected text in a '' tag with a size attribute (e.g. 'visitor'). If you do the same in Chrome6 or Safari4, it wraps it into a '' tag with 'style=font-size...' att...