
Parsing a DateTime containing milliseconds fails for certain cultures. Why?

I'm trying to parse a string containing milliseconds like this: string s = "11.05.2010 15:03:08.7718687"; // culture: de-CH DateTime d = DateTime.Parse(s); // works However, for example under the de-DE locale, the decimal separator is a comma (not a dot). So the example becomes: string s = "11.05.2010 15:03:08,7718687"; // culture...

Fluent Nhiberhate And Missing Milliseconds

I am using Fluent Nhibernate and Nhibernate for my current project. I need to record the time to the millisecond. I have this for my mapping Map(x => x.SystemDateTime) .CustomType("Timestamp") .Not.Nullable(); I genertaed the hbm.xml files and the line is the following: <property name="SystemDate...

PHP file modification time in milliseconds

I there, I am currently writing a unit test which asserts that a file did not get modified. The test code execution takes less than one second and therefore I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve the file modification time in milliseconds. filemtime() function returns the UNIX timestamp in seconds. My current solution is usi...

jQuery 1 minute countdown with milliseconds and callback

I'm trying to figure out a way to display a simple countdown that displays 1:00:00 whereby 1 = minutes, 00 = seconds, and 00 = milliseconds. I've found loads of jQuery countdowns on the interwebs, but none of the contain the ability to display milliseconds natively, and I really don't want to dig through thousands of lines of code to tr...

C++ count time overcoming 72 minutes range of clock_t

Hello, I'm trying to count the execution time of part of my application, but since I need to get milliseconds, and I need to get long execution times too. I'm currently using clock_t = clock() from ctime, but it has a range of only 72 minutes I think, which is not suitable for my needs. Is there any other portable way to count large exec...

string to datetime with fractional seconds, on Google App Engine

Hey all, I need to convert a string to a datetime object, along with the fractional seconds. I'm running into various problems. Normally, i would do: >>> datetime.datetime.strptime(val, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") But errors and old docs showed me that python2.5's strptime does not have %f... Investigating further, it seems that the Ap...

Add milliseconds to Java date, when milliseconds is long

Hi guys, I am looking for the best way to add milliseconds to a Java Date when milliseconds is stored as a 'long'. Java calendar has an add function, but it only takes an 'int' as the amount. This is one solution I am proposing... Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar timeout = Calendar.getInstance(); timeout.setTime(toke...

How to clear NSDate milliseconds

I want to keep date/times in a CoreData store with no seconds or milliseconds. (I'm doing some processing to round times off, and stray seconds/milliseconds become a monkey wrench.) It's easy enough to drop the seconds: NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; NSDateComponents *time = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] compon...

Order files by creation time to the millisecond in Bash

Hi there, I need to create a list of files which are located on my hard disk in order of when they arrived on the hard disk. To do so, I have used the following: ls -lat which lists all the files in date/time order, however, it only orders them to the nearest second. The problem here is that there are thousands of files and every so...

C# get time in milliseconds

I'm making a program in which I need to get the time in milliseconds. By time, I mean a number that is never equal to itself, and is always 1000 numbers bigger than it was a second ago. I've tried converting DateTime.Now to a TimeSpan and getting the TotalMilliseconds from that... but I've heard it isn't perfectly accurate. Is there an ...