
IE MIME/content filtering

I'm looking into ways to develop an extension for IE6+ that will allow handling of custom MIME types. As an example, I need to be able to take a document with a custom MIME type that is returned by the server, perform some processing on it, and then change the MIME type back to something that IE can natively handle, such as text/html o...

Implementation samples of Pluggable MIME Filter (preferably in C#)?

Anyone know of a good sample implementation of a Pluggable MIME Filter for IE, preferably implemented in C#? Or of a pluggable protocol handler? thanks! So far I have found This SO question with sample code this sample: http://www.bsalsa.com/forum/showpost.php?p=3031&postcount=4 (which is briefly documented here) (both from the...

How can I implement a content converter in Firefox for all page elements?

I'm attempting to port over an Internet Explorer plugin to Firefox, but I'm not sure where to look for what I need. Basically I need to be able to filter all content that is received by the browser with a certain Content-Type header. I tried implementing a stream converter, and this works, but only for the top-level document in the page...