
min heap in python

Hi - I'd like to store a set of objects in a min heap by defining a custom comparison function. I see there is a heapq module available as part of the python distribution. Is there a way to use a custom comparator with this module? If not, has someone else built a custom min heap? Thanks, SetJmp ...

C++ min heap with user-defined type.

Hi, I am trying to implement a min heap in c++ for a struct type that I created. I created a vector of the type, but it crashed when I used make_heap on it, which is understandable because it doesn't know how to compare the items in the heap. How do I create a min-heap (that is, the top element is always the smallest one in the heap) fo...

BubbleDown operation on binary min-heap does not work...

Hi, I'm trying to extract the minimum from a binary heap but it's not working. Here's my BubbleDown code: void heapBubbleDown(Heap * const heap, int idx) { int min; while(RIGHT(idx) < heap->count) { min = LEFT(idx); if(RIGHT(idx) < heap->count) { if(heap->items[LEFT(idx)] > heap->items[RIGHT(idx)])...