
Get TopLeft and BottomRight from MKCoordinateRegion MKMapView

I checked the properties in documentation for MKCoordinateRegion, MKCoordinateSpan and MKMapView to see there is a way to get the TopLeft and BottomRight Lat Long from the map view and I didn't find any. I know that the span gives me the Lat long delta but is there a way to get the actual TopLeft and BottomRight lat longs from map view w...

iPhone dev - showing two locations on the map

Now I have the coordinate of two locations, let say locationA with latitude 40 and longitude -80, locationB with latitude 30 and longitude -70, I want to create a mapView that I can see both locations with appropriate viewing distance. I got the new coordinate by finding the midpoint (in this example, {35, -75}), but the question is, ...