
Best Mobile Programming IDE for Sony Ericsson (Symbian-UIQ)

What is the best IDE for developing a C++ application targeting Symbian UIQ-based phones like p990 and p1? So far I have come across Carbide C++ which seems good but I am not sure if it supports UIQ (maybe it only supports S60 platform) and if it's the best option. ...

How to detect desktop browser vs mobile device using wurfl?

I am planning to use Wurfl in a web application in order to distinguish between mobile device and desktop browser. The isMobileBrowser(String userAgent) from net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.utils seems the appropriate function to do that. Nevertheless looking at the source code of the 1.0.1-rc3 I can see that if the user agent string does n...

How do I validate wurfl.xml?

I'm wondering which is the best way to validate the wurfl.xml file. I am thinking about these two different approaches : Since it is a XML file I can validate wurfl.xml against its XML schema. Some questions related with this are: from where do I get the xsd file?, how often does the xsd file change?. Query the wurfl database once the...

How To Parse A Website?

Hey I would like to build an app that could parse a website in order to get specific information. Specifically something that can parse for the important information. Is there a tutorial out there I could use. ...

How to access device settings on a Sony Ericsson mobile phone?

Edited on April 29th, content changed Hello everyone, I recently bought a Sony Ericsson mobile phone and I would like to add a missing feature myself. In fact I cannot actually disable Internet connection in an easy way when roaming, which cost me a lot of money last time I moved away ... So I would like to develop a little application...

Mobile development recommendation

I want to start develop mobile applications and sell it. There are many mobile platforms for which I can begin develop: Windows Mobile , Android, Iphone, Linux based Devices. I want to find out from people who has such experience which platform more comfortable and more profitible for me to use. ...

What areas of computer science are particularly relevant to mobile development?

This isn't a platform specific question - rather I'm interested in the general platform independent areas of computer science that are particularly relevant to mobile applications development. For example, things like compression techniques, distributed synchronisation algorithims etc.. what theoretical concepts have you found relevant,...

Mobile development decision - Future wise (Iphone,android,symbian)

Hi, I would like to learn mobile development, but I'm not sure which category would be the most cost effective one. I know it's kind of a prophecy question, but anyhow, suggestions would be welcomed. So, as i'm pretty familiar with C++ development , I though about learning QT. I understand that using QT, I can develop once and then d...

Can a java midlet get details of an unknown mobile.

I have China made iphone replica. JVM has pre-installed in it. I want to know the specifications of this mobile like Operating System[OS],Processor [Speed & Brand],RAM etc. Is it possible with a j2me midlet? ...

Detect mobile user agent from classic ASP and redirect on session start

I'd like to detect a mobile user agent and redirect them when the session starts in a classic ASP app. Does anyone know a good way to pull this off? ...

Developing apps for Windows Phone 7

Can we start developing apps for the upcoming windows mobile 7. Are developer tools available? Do we have to buy the visual studio program for this? ...

Open-sourcing a mobile app

I'm considering making an existing mobile app into an open-source project. It has an Android and iPhone version. While I have used open-source projects and submitted feature requests and bug reports, I have never created an open-source project nor contributed with a patch to an existing one. What are the top things that I should take i...

Android or iOS for mobile development?

I would like to learn mobile development for fun and as well to enrich my resumé. I'm currently developing in C/C++ at work on Windows (and sometimes with C# that I don't like too much). I have a nice Android phone and an iPod touch, so I wonder what is the best enviroment on which work. Sure iPhone/iOS now has huge user base and a lot ...

Big picture questions regarding Django, Java, Python, HTML and web-site development in general

I am trying to get a handle on the state of the art regarding web site development and have several questions. Maybe I'll end up finding most of the answers on my own. I come from a background of C++ and Windows development, and generally I am befuddled by what seems to be the ad-hoc nature of web development. I focussed in on Django, ...

How do YOU handle crashes in your iPhone apps?

If been looking around the web and can't seem to find any good solutions to sending allowing your user to submit bug reports from your iPhone app. How do you handle crashes and exceptions? Do you send the error user-data to a server, grab a log file from somewhere and attach, or do you ignore it and pretend it never happened? Anybod...

How to Detect Mobile Browser Capability

I have three different versions of a mobilized website, and as the market is flooded with more and more phones, I'm struggling to keep up with knowing where to push them. I'm wondering if anyone has faced a similar issue, of how to detect the browser type, and forward to the appropriate version of the mobilized website (where it be text...

Advice for a mobile app for reading a publication

I'm considering developing apps for Android and Windows Phone 7 that allow the user to read content from an online producer (newspaper/magazine/blogs etc). This provider has a REST API that should allow for straightforward access to the content. A few questions I have: I saw an OData demo, where getting data from a feed was super easy,...

Problem with J2ME application

I have wrote a simple web service in .NET which return a string value. [WebMethod] public string DeveloperInfo() { return "Chamara is the appliaction developer"; } I need to consume it using a J2ME application.following is the code i have used if (displayable == ServiceForm) { if (command == exitCommand1) ...

Same mobile web design for mobile devices with touchscreens and keyboards

Does anyone have resources about how to design for touchscreens and keyboard devices at the same time? Making navigation with the BlackBerry joystick as easy as with iPhone and Android? ...

Blackberry development

I'm currently working on a consumer mobile application project and have read that 40% of smart phones in use are Blackberry's. This seems very high and surely shouldn't be ignored for development. I understand that the type of application is relevant here, but has anyone found themselves considering adding Blackberry development to a pro...