
Modding Sonos Desktop Controller to Landscape view

Hi Forum ! I think ive found the right place and people to ask this question. Im using Sonos Desktop Controller App, which is free from Appstore. For a long time ive waited for them to come up with a Landscape mode for the software, but it ONLY supports Portrait from factory defaults. Now ive started to take the matter into my own han...

Disqus Email Alert

Hi i would like to mod the disqus comment system to email notifications on other or dynamic email once a comment has been posted. (function() { var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = ''; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[...

ajax file not loading because of trailing slash

I have an ajax file that is called when someone begins to type in search bar. I have recently been cleaning up my urls and removing file extentions adding trailing slashes, since then my ajax file doesnt appear to load anymore. can anyone help? here my htaccess so far Options +FollowSymlinks Options +Indexes RewriteEngine on RewriteCo...

htaccess rewrite problem

I am in the process of moving a site to another server and I've ran into a problem. The site uses .htaccess to redirect to index.php so the index.php can use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to load the whatever page is being called... However i cannot find where the old server has the .htaccess I am doing my own. The .htacess rules ...

Stop php script execution

I have php_mod and an apache server. If I start a script from the browser it will persist until the execution is complete ( even if i close the browser ) How can i stop the process ? ...