
Mod include is not including recursively

Hello! So I have a django application that generates html that have server side includes in them. So in my apache config I added to the Directory directive SetOutputFilter INCLUDES my problem is mod include will process the include in the generated page but it if the include contain includes those do not get processed. Anyone know how...

Include file (header) using htaccess

I want to include a certain file with every page-call. For simplicity, assume I have a header which should be pre-pended to every file. (Eg. a php script which checks all sorts of user agent stuff.) I could use mod_rewrite to send all requests to this file, and then use PHP to include the requested page into the file, but that could be...

Using Apache Server-side Flow Control in PHP?

As discussed a bit in this question, I am using Apache mod_include with conditional flow control statements to alter the behavior of included shtml files depending on the URL of the parent page. The problem I'm having is that some of the pages on the site are PHP pages, which seems to mean that the mod_include directives are ignored (and...