
I can't seem to get mod_proxy_html working at all - no debug output, no errors.

I'm running apache 2.0.52, and I've compiled the mod_proxy_html module (version 3.1), apache starts fine, no errors. The only problem is that the module appears to do nothing - I'm not even getting any debugging output in the error log, so I'm a little stumped, as I fdon't even have any logging to point at a clue why it isn't working. Th...

apache proxy module gives 403 forbidden error

Hi, I am trying to use the apache's proxy module for working with xmpp on ubuntu desktop. For this i did the following things - 1) enabled mod_proxy by creating a symlink of proxy.conf, proxy.load and proxy_http.load from /etc/apache2/mods-available/ in the mods-enabled directory. 2) Added the following lines to the vhost <Proxy ...

passing env variables to Apache proxy server

I am using Apache2 with mod_perl and Plack::Handler::Apache2. My web site is at In the VirtualHost definition of, I have the following ProxyPass /app/one ProxyPassReverse /app/one ProxyPass /app/two ProxyPassReverse /app/two Of course...

Handling Tomcat Errors Through Apache

I use Tomcat for hosting my web application and use apache http server on top of it using mod proxy for load balancing. When my application throws a 404 or 500 error, I want to serve the error pages through apache http server rather than tomcat server. This is because I am serving all of my static content through apache and we don't wa...

Integrating Apache HTTP with Tomcat, possible to output combination in one page?

I am planning to integrate Apache httpd server with Tomcat using the proxy module to forward certain addresses to be processed by Tomcat. However I wanted to ask if it is possible to combine the output from Tomcat with content from apache httpd so that they are returned to the client as part of one html page? (no frames or funny business...

Setting up Apache Virtual Hosts and ProxyPass

I am trying to set up Virtual Hosts on my WAMPSERVER 2.0i installation. Currently it looks like that: http://domain/main http://domain/sub1 http://domain/sub2 I need to set it up so that 1) accessing http://domain/ would redirect to http://domain/main, but 2) http://domain/sub1 and http://domain/sub2 remain working as they are. When...

Apache rewrite Subdomain to proxy balancer

I'm trying to select a proxy based on a subdomain for a rails installation on apache2 with thin. -> <Proxy balancer://site1>... -> <Proxy balancer://site2>... etc.. for a single domain I'm doing the following: <Proxy balancer://site1> BalancerMember BalancerMember http://127....

Setting an apache reverse proxy as a gateway between client cert authentication (mod_ssl) and basic authentication for backend server

Hi, I have a backend server that expects a Basic HTTP Authentication. I can't touch this server and its authentication mode. But, I'd like to replace this authentication by a client certificate on a reverse proxy in front of this server. This would make something like this : User --(ssl auth)--> ReverseProxy ---(Basic Auth with login)...