
help using mod_rewrite on both dynamic and static URL's

I looked at this topic: and understand how the rewrite rules would apply, but need help understanding how to adopt them for websites that have static and dynamic URL's. From the topic above, the rewrite rules would first look for a file that ex...

PHP Include Path with Mod_Rewrite

Hi there, I have been trying to find an 'easy' way of including files in my PHP docs that are subject to mod_rewrite address changes. At the moment our config.php file is located in public_html/lib/config.php, and what I have tried to do is include('lib/config.php') but it errors on pages that have had their address changed by mod_rewr...

RewriteRule - loop redirection

Hello, i need help with this 2 rewrite rules: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # folder/script.php?A=1&B=2 -> xyz/1/2 (REDIRECT) RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^A=([^&]+)&B=([^&]+)$ RewriteRule ^folder\/script\.php$ /xyz/%1/%2? [R=301,L] # xyz/1/2 -> folder/script.php?A=1&B=2 (REWRITE) RewriteRule ^xyz\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)$ /folder/scri...

I have no "AllowOverride" directive in my apache2.conf

I have viewed my httpd.conf and apache2.conf and I have no AllowOverride directive in either of the files. The .htaccess works fine. I have a bunch of rewrites in it, so I know it works. Is apache2 by default set to "AllowOverride All"? Anybody know if I should add this? Or if it would hurt to add it? The reason for all this is that ...

htaccess rewrite rule redirect

I have some old urls etc.. probably going up to about 60 Is there anyway I can create one rule that redirects any query that looks like this to the...

Internal rewrite+Setting environment variables with mod-rewrite/.htaccess

Hello, I am trying to achieve the following through mod_rewrite: 1. What is the basic directory structure? / main/ (folder) a bunch of PHP files some_folder/ (folder) another_folder/ (folder) ... (an arbitrary number of such folders) yet_another_folder/ (folder) .htaccess(the magic goes here) 2. What I am trying to do? In thi...

why is mod_rewrite facility working?

I am trying to do simple rewriting url with using mod_rewrite facility of Apache. As they said i firstly remove the # from the LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ from conf. file. then i restart my apache. now what i want is something like this... on my index page there is one menu in which their is one link of "aboutu...

Rewrite rules confused

Hello... I am struggling to achieve this simple thing... I have some static pages which should be like etc.. The problem is how to write the rewrite rules in order to .. There would be some fixed rewrites like /home I want every file that exists not to be rewritten

RewriteRules repeating part of the match

What I'm trying to achieve is trying to match both the subdomain and the full path in order to redirect to a version without www. in front of it. To do so I use: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [C] RewriteRule ^www\.(.+)\.mydomain\.com/(.*)$ http://$$2 ...

Passing in an "unfollow" flag GET parameter with Apache's mod_rewrite

EDIT @mootinator has done awesome work with this. See his answer below. Since I wasn't clear in specifying my exact URI, it may still help people who are looking for something similar. My URI is more like: 9/Here-is-some-text/unwatch which case you need mod_rewrite rules that look a little more like this: RewriteEngine on Rewrit...

mod_rewrite problem, with accessing files?

i have this file that is on the root folder called sumbit.php and when i acesss a page like this for exmaple the new url is on firebug its saying its accessing, when its meant to access

Apache mod_rewrite not doing anything (?)

Hi, I'm having some trouble with Apache's mod_rewrite. One of the things I'm trying to get it to do is hide some of my implementation details, so that, for example, the user sees the URL but Apache responds with the page at instead (preferably without showing the user t...

mod_rewrite does not rewrite jsp files

Hi, I've set up everything and mod_rewrite works properly on HTML files but not on jsp files. I've got a front end apache using mod_jk to forward jsp request which are then served by tomcat. My rewrite rule inside my virtual host (notice I use the PT flag to force mod_rewrite to forward to mod_jk): RewriteRule ^/([\w\d]*).jsp$ /sb/jsp...