
sleep() in Javascript

Suppose I want to block Javascript execution for certain time for some weird reason, how can I do that. There is no sleep() in JS. Pls don't say do a while() loop because that's bad. I can do a window.showModalDialog and put a window.close in the modal dialog with setTimeout of very small time so that the user doesn't notice the dialog. ...

InternetDial with INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED still shows an error dialog?

I have a piece of software running on a remote device which calls InternetDial to establish a connection and report information. Most of the time this works fine, but occasionally, some sort of error will occurr (bad signal etc.) and despite calling the function with INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED, windows still appears to pop up di...

Testing for the presence of jQury UI modal dialog or alternative on page

Hi, I was wondering how you can test for the presence of a jQuery UI modal dialog with Selenium. I have done some Google searching but nothing is abundantly clear. although this page suggested isVisible(): I would also require to test eleme...

C# SetParent and Modal on different executables

I have two executables in C#, lets call them executable A and B, both of them have one form. Executable A gets the MainWindowHandle of B and then calls SetParent(this.Handle, B.MainWindowHandle). How can I set the form of executable B to be a Modal so that the form of executable A wont receive input unless I close the form B. Something l...

jQuery 'grey' out rest of page apart from div user is hovering on

I am working on a dashboard project where the art director wishes to have an affect similar to the one seen here: Except when the user hovers over a dashboard 'widget' then there is an overlay over all other elements on the page including the body in much the same way as Colorbox et all. I was thinking of creating...

modal dialog in gwt with clicklistener

I've a huge panel with drop-down lists and checkboxes. To manage them I have to implement the ClickListener interface so that on expanding the drop-down list or clicking on the checkbox some actions are executed. Then I have to show the dialog box with just one 'OK' button and this dialog should be modal. I create it using via the follo...

how to develop yes no confirmation using jquery

How to develop confirmation dialog with yes no button using jquery or any other method ? I need that confirmation when I click on submit button. ...

Creating a Modal Window on GridView Select in ASP.Net and C#

What's the best way to create a pop-up like modal window that shows upon clicking the Select button in GridView? <asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="true" ButtonType="Button" SelectText="Select Me" /> Also, bonus if you know how to implement this via jQuery. ...

AspxGridView with a modal window,

Hi, I have a AspxGridView and when i double click to a row, it shows a modal window. What i want to do is, send one columns' value to a AspxLabel which is at ModalWindow. But i couldn't manage to do it, in gridview i use ClientSideEvents RowDblClick to get row value. Here is the code: GridView: <dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="gw_Parameters" r...

jQuery UI Modal Dialog only centered on SECOND load (content from external file)?

The file I'm loading into the modal dialog can vary in height. When the first link is opened, the top of the dialog is centered horizontally (meaning the dialog is positioned too low). After I close this and reopen again, with either the same edit button or a different one, the positioning is better. It seems like it's always one step b...

jQuery UI Modal Dialog Stripe Issue

I have this extremely basic jQuery UI Modal Dialog that I wrote for testing here. Unless I am missing something I cannot figure out why their is that grey strip across the middle of the page. I am trying to manipulate the modal background color and opacity as well as seen in the CSS markup. ...

jQuery UI Dialog does not display after page scrolled in Firefox

I have a link: <a class="fg-button ui-state-default fg-button-icon-left assistButton" pbcType="download" title="Click for download information"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-document"></span>File</a> And I have some jQuery: $(".assistButton").click(function(){ $('#dialog').css('color', '#000000'); $("#dialog").dialog({...

jQuery UI Dialog Box to show MySQL Results

This is what I have in short. I have a dynamic list. On-Click it will pop-up with a jQuery Dialog box, which all works great and dandy. BUT what I am trying to do is set it up, so when someone clicks and the dialog pop's up it will show a form so they can UPDATE the result, instead of loading an entirely new page. I have the dialog op...

System.InvalidOperationException on starting C# web server(form based) through SSH

I get this particular exception when starting the Cassini Web Server(to be run on a remote machine) after logging into the remote machine through SSH: Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the...

Implementing delegate methods for modal view controller data transfer

I have a simple project to present a modal view controller and transfer back a string based on which button in the modal VC that gets pressed. I based it all on watching the Stanford class on iTunes U. It looks like I have everything correct, but I get a couple of compiler warnings. First I get one called passing argument 1 of 'setDel...

HTML Preview via JavaScript or JQuery

I'd like to throw together a quick HTML preview window that takes the contents of a text area and shows it in a modal dialogue with a single close button. The contents should be rendered as HTML. Not sure how to go about this.. what's the best way? ...

Simple Cocoa modal window dialog on Mac OS X

I am porting a plug-in from 32-bit to 64-bit which is actually in C++. Since Carbon is no longer supported on 64-bit, I have to port some code to Cocoa. The only Cocoa help I need is how to create a simple modal window (not a sheet) that has two buttons, OK and Cancel, and gives me a string input from the user. I created a Cocoa nib, but...

jQuery modal and load problem

I'm having a problem with jQuery dialog and load on a web application i'm developing. On a search result page, on each entry i have a link that give a quick view of the result, firing a modal dialog that retrieves and show html content using jQuery load. Everything works great and i can close and open dialogs as i want without any proble...

JQuery dialog form behavior issues

I'm using JQuery for the first time and I've been working with the JQuery UI dialog example. I've extended it with a few extra inputs. I'm experiencing odd behaviors in different browsers. When I try IE, the append works as expected. When I try Chrome, the append works but it appends twice. When I try FireFox, the form is visibl...

Rails jQuery link_to click function issue

Thanks in advanced. So my overall goal is get a modal dialog box with a form in it to pop up. I am running into an issue when I click my link to bring up the modal it doesn't seem to be using javascript ... it just renders the page as if javascript is disabled. Code below :) application.js jQuery(function(){ $("#create_reminder_dial...