
Subsonic custom mapping of objects to tables

Geeting, I'm using Compact Framework 3.5 and have tenatively settled on a custom build of Subsonic 3.0 to do data access. The trouble is that I am used to developing model-first but am also interested in keeping control of my DB schema. Therefore, neither ActiveRecord or Repository appears to meet my needs, and I want to use my existing...

Map a column to be IDENTITY in db with EF4 Code-Only

Although I have marked my ID column with .Identity(), the generated database schema doesn't have IDENTITY set to true, which gives me problems when I'm adding records. If I manually edit the database schema (in SQL Management Studio) to have the Id column marked IDENTITY, everything works as I want it - I just can't make EF do that by it...

EF4 Generate Database

Hi, I am trying my hardest to find the simplest way to create a basic "model first" entity framework example. However I am struggling with the actually generation of the database, particularly the running of the SQL against the database. Tools Visual Studio 2010 SQL Server 2008 Express Process Create a new class project Add a ne...

Entity Framework 4 with SQL Server Express files.

Hi all, I know that if you use EF in a model-first manner in VS2010 with a standard SQL Server database then it is easy to apply the generated DDL to the database. Is there an easy way to do this with .mdf files (SQL Server Express Files) Thanks in advance. ...

Entity Framework 4: add index in model first design

I like the option of doing model first design with the Entity Framework (4). However, I haven't been able to find out how to add an additional index to a table besides the primary key. Is this possible in the visual designer? Or do you need to add an index manually after creating the database (which would be a shortcoming of the design...

Code Generation - Domain/model first (DDD)

I'm looking for a 'complete' solution for code-generation based on DDD or model first approach. Ideally, this would be a separate application or VS plugin that we could use and re-use to generate as much of the standard plumbing code as possible, preserving my custom business logic as well. I would like to generate VS projects, includin...

Model first vs Data first in Entity Framework .NET 4

Which one should I choose for new project? Could I assume, that data-first model provides better DB performance, and model-first provides better OOP handling? ...

How to auto-update the Modified property on a Entity in Entity Framework 4 when saving?

Im using EF4 in VS2010, POCO's and the model-first approach. My entity has the following properties: Id:Guid, Name:String, Created:DateTime, Modified:DateTime, Revision:Int32. I create my entity, set the name and save it to the database using the EF4-context. This should set Id to a new Guid (works with Identity-SGP), Created set to no...

Model-First database generator freezes my Visual Studio

I'm new to the Entity Framework, and I know this is not suppose to happen, but maybe it is a known issue in the community so I thought I'd ask. I created my model with 2 entities. When I wanted to create the database tables Visual Studio froze on me. I ran the script myself but then I needed to modify an attribute so it'd take null valu...

Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack generates datetime and not datetime2 for ProviderManifestToken = 2008

Im having trouble with the DDL-generation from EDMX using the "Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack" add-on. It generates datetime-columns instead on datetime2 even though ProviderManifestToken is set to 2008. Can it be fixed? I don't want to do this manually all the time because Im using the model-first-approach... ...

how can I add table prefixes to tables created using model first in EF4?

My client has a db table naming convention that requires me to prefix all tables with an application specific prefix - like "myapp_" - I am using EF4 with the model first approach. I can specify a custom db namespace but they do not want to introduce a new namespace for this app - none of their other apps use namespaces other than dbo....

If you generate a database using EF, do you also use EF to manage the database?

"Manage" as in, make changes to the tables. If yes, how does this work with multiple developers and multiple copies of the database (for development/production)? ...