
Examples of "modern c++" in action?

For new and completely revised tricks and dark corners of STL go here: Hidden Features and Dark Corners of STL I've been using more "modern" c++ constructs for a while, but kind of superficially and not everywhere. I'm looking for open source projects to study that are good examples of Modern C++ and STL usage. Things like what is sugg...

UI ideas for when toolbars fail

What does one do when the number of buttons in an application grows beyond the comfort zone of toolbar UIs? I'm currently approaching the 1000 button mark and there's no sign of slowing down. My current tabbed toolbar UI is being stretched far beyond the comfort zone now. I added a dynamic toolbar (pops-up on double click) where you typ...

Modernize Legacy Cobol

I am constantly reading about how much Cobol code is still in production. And the main reason that it hasn't been updated into am more modern language is that it would take too long/cost too much. My question is: If there was a tool that converted Cobol to, say, Java, would any organizations find it useful? Or would they rather continu...

Taking over a project -

I just started a new job and apparently I'm going to take over the entire company code base. When I took the job I didn't know that I would be working with the code alone and I was expecting a little longer time to familiarize myself with the code. Well, I've had a few weeks now where I've had the chance to review the code and everythi...

What is "Modern Perl"?

I have been hearing a lot about this "Modern Perl." Can anyone explain what it is? One of the things I heard was the new open syntax: open my $FH, '<', $filename and not open FH, "<$filename"; What else is in Modern Perl? Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...