
Is modern C++ becoming more prevalent?

When I first learned C++ 6-7 years ago, what I learned was basically "C with Classes". std::vector was definitely an advanced topic, something you could learn about if you really wanted to. And there was certainly no one telling me that destructors could be harnessed to help manage memory. Today, everywhere I look I see RAII and SFINAE ...

Modern C++ Game Programming Examples

To what extent are modern C++ features like: polymorphism, STL, exception safety/handling, templates with policy-based class design, smart pointers new/delete, placement new/delete used in game studios? I would be interested to know the names of libraries and the C++ features they use. For example, Orge3D uses all modern C++ feat...

When/Why ( if ever ) should i think about doing Generic Programming/Meta Programming

Hi there IMHO to me OOPS, design patterns make sense and i have been able to apply them practically. But when it comes to "generic programming /meta programming" of the Modern C++ kind, i am left confused. -- Is it a new programming/design paradigm ? -- Is it just limited to "library development"? If not, What design/coding situatio...

Should I use C(99) booleans ? ( also c++ booleans in c++ ?)

I haven't done much c programming but when I do when I need a false I put 0 when I want true I put 1, (ex. while(1)), in other cases I use things like "while(ptr)" or "if(x)". Should I try using C99 booleans, should I recommend them to others if I'm helping people new to programming learn c basics(thinking of cs 1?? students)? I'm p...

CompileTimeChecker from Modern C++ Design not working as expected.

I've recently started reading Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu. After reading Compile-Time Assertions, I tried the following code: template<bool> struct CompileTimeChecker { CompileTimeChecker(...){}; }; template<> struct CompileTimeChecker<false>{}; #define STATIC_CHECK(expr, msg) \ {\ class ERROR_##msg{}; \ (void...