
sqlite, mono, C# cross platform

I am using sqlite in my C# project. MoMA complains about the DLLs and i am unsure what to do on the mac/linux side. What are things i generally need to do when porting external DLLs? ...

Mono Documentation for NotImplementedException and MonoTodo

I'm new to Mono and plan to port my application over, if possible. I've run MoMA and there are some places it has identified that I'm calling that could throw a NotImplementedException or are tagged MonoTodo. Is there anywhere I can get more information on these specific instances it's flagging down? For instance, I'm calling the Recei...

Mono Migration Analyzer: What are all of the command line switches?

So I'm looking here and I see the command line switches. This is what I see as the total amount of switches from the site: MoMA.exe --nogui --out C:\app\momareport\report.html C:\app\myapp.exe One thing I see is the submit.xml going to a place I don't want during my automated build. Since...