
Moving item from one list to another

I have a custom list on the top level site of my collection and also on many sub sites. Occasionally, I will want to move an item from the list at the top level to a list in the sub sites. How can I do this using only Sharepoint itself? I don't have access to use Designer or STSADM. I don't need to do it in bulk, one at a time is...

SharePoint List calculations

I was wondering is there a way to have a column in share point that is a sum but only of the current column and the previous column Like this Title Value Total entry1 10 10 entry2 20 30 entry3 20 50 ...

Sharepoint 2007 AddList and AddListFromFeature are missing template columns and data content

What I've Done Inside SharePoint I created a List based on the Project Tasks template I deleted most default columns, and added new custom columns I added data using the new format Then I did a "Save as template" and chose to save the template with the content What IS Working Now, when I use that template to create a new List inside...

Problems adding a DelegateControl to the BlackBand.Master in MOSS 2007

I have a custom feature which adds a few controls into the AdditionalPageHead DelegateControl. This works fine on any sites which use our default.master. However the project requires the use of a publishing site which has a master page derived from BlackBand.master (which does not have the AdditionalPageHead DelegateControl included), ...

Sharepoint List Column

Is it possible for the column to be set as 'single line of text' and in the calculated value portion somehow grab the value from column 1 and column 2? So the list looks like this: "col1 text here", "col2 text", "col1 text here col2 text" ...

sharepoint override form submission

Is it possible to override a NewForm.aspx form submission in a sharepoint list? Without making changes to the NewForm.aspx page itself? I would like something like the event handlers, where i can capture when an item is being added (ItemAdding) and perform some logic and set the properties.cancel = true, and .errormessage = "message" to...

MOSS vs. traditional ASP.NET

I am in process of evaluating MOSS (SharePoint) and traditional ASP.NET for my client's site. The site will be available to client's partners over the internet. I'm interested in differences between these two approaches from following perspectives: Development perspective. How does development differs? What are pros and cons of both a...

How do I implement user theme switching in SharePoint?

My customer wants to provide 2 themes for a SharePoint application. Is there a strategy to accomplish this in MOSS 2007? We want to apply user profile-based theme selection, and maybe even a drop-down to switch modes. ...

Default Content Type and Content type order using Folders in a Sharepoint List

I have a Custom List Definition (schema.xml) i have set up Site Columns (through A feature) and numerous content types also through a feature, this all works fine. I have a list definition (schema.xml) and i have put the content types at the top in the order i want them to appear (assuming that the top content type will be the default fo...

Options for storing Session state with SharePoint

I have written a user control for our SharePoint site that builds an HTML menu - this has been injected into the master page and as such ends up rendering on all pages that use it. There are some pretty computationally expensive calls made while generating this HTML and caching is the logical choice for keeping the page loads snappy. The...

Sharepoint Lists to Word / Excel file

Is their anything in sharepoint to easily achieve this? Say you have a list of 40 items, you can click a button to export all 40 items right to a word file or text file or something. Instead of having to open each item and click print. I can do something custom wise, im just curious if there is a simple solution already implemented. ...

SharePoint > Custom Page-Library & PageLayout

I have a custom page-library which a custom content-type and a page-layout all inside a site-definition. Works as expected. The only thing I cannot get around is that if I upgrade the solution with the page-lib, ctype, page-layout via stsadm everything is updated except the page-layout. New fields in the ctype --> no problem Changed v...

Cannot set up audiences containing members of a AD Group on SharePoint 2007

Hello, I am having a problem where in SharePoint 2007 after verifying the profile import was successful and the AD group is there, I go to audiences and try to create a rule where the user must be a member of said AD group. The problem is that when i get to the point of searching for the group to set up the rule, SharePoint can't find t...

InfoPath 2007 drop down populates from MOSS07 list, but doesn't Alphabetize

We have an InfoPath 2007 form that populates a drop down from a SharePoint 2007 list of Employees. However, when opening the form in the browser (like it is designed to do) it does not alphabetize the drop down. But if i open the form on my computer, it does. Anyone else come across this issue and have a solution to it? I am wondering...

Backup to Another Farm with MOSS SP2

There seems to be no end to conflicting information out there regarding whether or not it is necessary to use "setsitelock" when backing up a site collection for deployment to another farm, if both farms have SP2 installed. According to Bob Fox's blog (comments disabled), it is no longer necessary:

Batch Element in Sharepoint to Delete a List item when you do not know the ID

I want to delete an item in a list when it matches some critera using UpdateListItems web service. I dont know the ID of the list item that I want to delete but do know the criteria. For example in SQL I could do: DELETE FROM listName WHERE LastName='Bauer' AND FirstName='Jack' How would you write a Batch Element to do this? Update ...

System that needs to upload documents into a MOSS document library

Hi I need your help if you are an expert in MOSS. I have a system that needs to upload documents into a MOSS document library. I decided that the easiest approach for a phase 1 system would simply be to map a network path to a MOSS Document library. The whole thing seems too easy. After that its a straight copy using System.IO. W...

SharePoint filenames

We all know MOSS is a royal pain in the gut. Today I am faced with yet another MOSS issue, file names. Documents stored in a MOSS document library cannot contain the following characters in the filename: \ / : * ? " < > | # { } % ~ & (1) Is it possible to apply a patch to MOSS to allow the same filenames as are permitted on a standard...

open custom Site Actions link in a new window (SharePoint)

When using custom actions in SharePoint (for the Site Actions menu) how can I make it so that the links will open up in a new window? I have tried an approach using jQuery that would attach a hover event via .live() to replace the window.location with a call -- however this proved to be troublesome as it refused to work in I...

How to add stylesheet for web part in MOSS/Sharepoint 2007

I am migrating a web part from 2003 to 2007. The web part originally used styles from a modified core style sheet. I now want to create a separate stylesheet just for this web part. I have tried to use CssRegistration.Register("/wpresources/Portal.Megamenu/mystyles.css"); but this results in a HTTP 401 and I have to log in (NTLM is...