
Translating mouse X & Y to 3D model coordinates

Hi. I'm building a simple 3D drag and drop interface in processing, and want to detect when the mouse rolls over an object. I would imagine that I need to do some matrix translations to the 3D model coordinates to get them into screen space and so on ... I have a simple version of this working, the problem is that when camera is moved ...

OpenGL ES (iPhone) Touch Picking

Looking to do classic OpenGL mouse picking in ES. I'd prefer not to use third party libs, GLU ports and OpenGL name stacks, etc, are out. This pretty much leaves inverse view transformation and ray intersection, correct? I've gotten pretty far with the help of: http://ei...

How to implement translation & rotation widgets for game level editor.

I am developing game editor.To detect mouse hit on 3D model I am using mouse picking concept. But I want to implement translation & rotation widgets like other game editor with actual arrows at the center of model in three direction. How to achieve this..? Can anyone suggest sample code for the same? ...

Dragging shapes in Java 3D with the mouse

I have a 3D scene in which i have objects i can interact with using the mouse. I use a pick ray and can correctly obtain the desired object (from the PickInfo object). The problem i am facing, is that i want to drag the object or distort it along the plane of the viewport and have it be positioned where my mouse actually is in the view...