
MPI program with a VC++ GUI?

I need to write an application using MPICH2 (64 bit, in case you're wondering). A GUI is entirely optional but would of course be a huge plus. Will mpiexec have any difficulties running managed VC++ code? Are there any other problems I might run into with compiling/linking (calling conventions, etc)? Just to give you an idea, the genera...

fortran 90 user defined type, passing by value ?

I have an issue in Fortran 90. I have a user-defined type, and when I call one of the MPI subroutines the data looks to be passed by value (not address, as I thought it should). The output arguments aren't modified. It seems to be specific to the MPI calls. I tried the same thing in a simple test, and I can change the passed in values i...

What is the reliable way to return error code from an MPI program?

The MPI standard (page 295) says: Advice to users. Whether the errorcode is returned from the executable or from the MPI process startup mechanism (e.g., mpiexec), is an aspect of quality of the MPI library but not mandatory. Indeed I had no success in running the following code: if(0 == my_rank) { FILE* parameters = fopen(...

MPI_SCATTER Fortran Matrices by Rows

What is the best way to scatter a Fortran 90 matrix by its rows rather than columns? That is, let's say I have a matrix a(4,50) and I want to MPI_SCATTER it onto two processes where each part is alocal(2,50), where rank 0 has rows 1 and 2, and rank 1 has 3 and 4. Now, in C, this is simple since arrays are row-major, but in Fortran 90 th...

Hashtable implementation for C

what is a good hashtable implementation for C? I need to use it with mpicc compiler. Delete function is not necessary. ...

How can I do an overlapping scatter using Boost.MPI?

I want to distribute a vector with overlapping elements. For example, if I had [1,2,3], I'd want [1,2] to get sent to one node, and [2,3] to get sent to another. I'm familiar with how to do this using MPI, but how would I do this using Boost::MPI? ...

Vector Usage in MPI(C++)

I am new to MPI programming,stiil learning , i was successful till creating the Derived data-types by defining the structures . Now i want to include Vector in my structure and want to send the data across the Process. for ex: struct Structure{ //Constructor Structure(): X(nodes),mass(nodes),ac(nodes) { //code to calculate the mass ...

Performance bechmarking of MPI program in C

I am new to MPI.Can anyone please suggest me how to do benchmarking of MPI programs in C. Cluster I am using is running Rocks 4.3(Mars Hill). ...

How to make C program wait (on Linux) ?

How to make C program wait (on Linux)? (I need to use wait with MPI - I need C code please) ...

Autoconf macro for Boost MPI?

I'm searching an autoconf macro to use in my that checks for Boost MPI. It's not hard to find a couple of them on the Internet but none of the one I tried worked as expected. What ax_boost_mpi.m4 do you use? EDIT: I'll explain my requirement better. I need the macro to tell me if Boost MPI is available or not (defining HA...

Which kind of diagram for parallel code documentation?

I have some parallel code (implemented using MPI) that needs to be documented. I'd like to have a flow-diagram describing it's high-level strategy. What kind of diagram do you use to describe send, receive, broadcast, gather, reduction and other operations? (EDIT: I'm equally interested in Linux/LaTeX software to do them) ...

mpirun actual number of processors used

I am starting programming on an OpenMPI managed cluster. I use the following command to run my executable: mpirun -np 32 file Now what I understand is that 32 specifies the number of processes that should be created. They may be created on the same processor. Am I right? I am noticing increasing time for execution with increase in th...

mpi under the hood

I need to deliver a presentation on programming in MPI. I need to add a segment on how MPI works under the hood. For Example What happens when I call MPI_Init? Do you know of any good source from where I can learn these details? ...

MPI difference between Communicator and Group

I have read the definitions of these terms and my interpretation is that there is a one to one relation between a group and a communicator. A group is a set of processes which wish to communicate with each other and a communicator is an implementation for a group. Is this correct? Why have two different terms if this is so? ...

Why does MPI_Init accept pointers to argc and argv?

this is how we use MPI_Init function int main(int argc, char **argv) { MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); … } why does MPI_Init use pointers to argc and argv instead of values of argv? ...

ldd output showing shared object file whose function is not called

I ran ldd command on an executable created by Open MPI. It shows a reference to Using LD_PRELOAD variable I created my own implementation of pthread_create, but from the it output it seems that MPI implementation is not calling pthread_create as I had expected. Why does ldd show pthread so file in output if it is not being ...

MPI datatype for 2 d array

I need to pass an array of integer arrays (basically a 2 d array )to all the processors from root.I am using MPI in C programs. How to declare MPI datatype for 2 d array.and how to send the message (should i use broadcast or scatter) ...

MPI Program hangs when run on more than one host

Hi all. I'm just using OpenMPI for few days. I'll try to run a simple MPI program, the program is ProcessColors which I get from CI-Tutor. I have 2 hosts, if I run the program separately on each one, it runs well. However, if I run it on two host using following command: mpirun --host host1,host2 --preload-binary -np 8 ProcessColors. Th...

Using MPI under VC++ MFC project?

Does any body know how can I use MS_MPI in my VC++ MFC project? I already have a big MFC project and I only want to use parallel processing in a part of it with MPI. (I know how to use MPI in a separate code, but I don't know how to integrate it with my VC++ MFC project) ...

How to build mpich2 with sctp network module in linux?

Hello What configure options a should use to compile mpich2 (ver 1.1.1p1 or 1.2.1p1) with sctp ? In my try there is a error when linking cpi.c (small example). /home/op02/mpiopt/sctp/lib/libmpich.a(ch3u_rma_sync.o)(.text+0x20a7): In functio n `MPIDI_Win_post': : undefined reference to `PMPI_Group_translate_ranks' /home/op02/mpiopt/sc...