
How to debug MPI application under Windows?

I have MPI program which I want to debug. I use mpich 2 under Windows, so does anybody know tools that can help me? Is it even possible? ...

Segmentation fault on MPI, runs properly on OpenMP

Hi, I am trying to run a program on a computer cluster. The structure of the program is the following: PROGRAM something ... CALL subroutine1(...) ... END PROGRAM SUBROUTINE subroutine1(...) ... DO i=1,n CALL subroutine2(...) ENDDO ... END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE subroutine2(...) ... CALL subroutine3(...) CALL subroutine4(...) ... END ...

Code Explanation (MPICH)

#include "mpi.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> double f(double a) { return (4.0 / (1.0 + a*a)); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int done = 0, n, myid, numprocs,i; double PI25DT = 3.141592653589793238462643; double mypi, pi, h, sum, x; double startwtime, endwtime; int namelen; char processor_na...

using strace with mpiexec

Hello How to strace all processes of mpi parallel job, started with mpiexec (mpich2, linux)? -o will mess outputs from different processes ...

Possible to distribute an MPI (C++) program accross the internet rather than within a LAN cluster?

Hi there, I've written some MPI code which works flawlessly on large clusters. Each node in the cluster has the same cpu architecture and has access to a networked (i.e. 'common') file system (so that each node can excecute the actual binary). But consider this scenario: I have a machine in my office with a dual core processor (intel)...