
Access Qry Questions

It was suggested that I repost this questions as I didn't do a very good job discribing my issue the first time. ( THE SITUATION: I have inspections from many months of many years. Sometimes there is more than one inspection in a month, sometimes there is no inspection. However...

"Insufficient resources" error with Access

Any idea on what can cause this error, everytime I execute a query? The DB is about 2GB. Thank you. ...

"Invalid Column Name" error thrown by Access Reports?

I am attempting to sum over a detail grouping on a specific field in Microsoft Access, and assign that sum to a field in the general grouping. When I try to run the report, I get an "Invalid Column Name" error with the detail field getting the error. Has anyone previously encountered this? If so, any ideas what might be causing it or how...

Query MS Access database in VB 2008

Hi, I added an Access database as a Data Source in VB 2008. I want to query this database and use the information in various ways throughout the program. For example, there is an Employee table with first/last names of employees. I have a combobox on my form that I want to display all of the employees. So I want to query the database fo...

ACCESS VBA - DAO in VB - problem with creating relations

So take the following example: Sub CreateRelation() Dim db As Database Dim rel As Relation Dim fld As Field Set db = CurrentDb Set rel = db.CreateRelation("OrderID", "Orders", "Products") 'refrential integrity rel.Attributes = dbRelationUpdateCascade 'specify the key in the referenced table Set fld = rel.CreateField("OrderID") fld....

Access 2007 - cycling through values in a list box VBA?

So i have a list box that populates with different sets of data based on user selections. How can I cycle through any given values that may be in the list box? Is this a For Each statement, or what? Please help thanks justin ...

.Net Windows application

I am trying to Insert a record in MS Access DB using OLEDB in windows application. I am getting an error "missing semicolon at end of sql statement" there is no syntax error in sql insert statment. My code Insert statement = INSERT INTO Student VALUES ('SRI-10-101','001','guru','30/05/2010 12:00:00 AM','','','...

Question about using an access database as a resource file in Visual Studio.

Hi I am trying to embed a Microsoft Access database file into my Class assembly DLL. I want my code to reference the resource file and use it with a ADODB.Connection object. Any body know a simpler way, or an easier way? Or what is wrong with my code, when i added the resource file it added me dataset definitions, but i have no idea what...

Access Database Integration with website

I'd like to have my website be automatically and continuously updated with information from an access database, but I'm not sure how to do so? Any suggestions? ...

Creating Simple desktop database application

Hi guys, I am here to write a small database application that will be running in desktop (offline mode). I am using MSAccess 2007 as my database file and trying to write code in I used to write the code vb6 an usually had global variables for storing database connection and executing every query from that. I am trying to upgr...

Choosing font size for a web form

I am building some Web forms with ms-access. For the most part the fidelity of the form inside of ms-access and the same form when published to the web and run from a web browser looks very good. However I the problem is with some list boxes. Here is a screen shot of the client form. And, then the same form when published to Access ...

VBA - Access 03 - Iterating through a list box, with an if statement to evaluate

So I have a one list box with values like DeptA, DeptB, DeptC & DeptD. I have a method that causes these to automatically populate in this list box if they are applicable. So in other words, if they populate in this list box, I want the resulting logic to say they are "Yes" in a boolean field in the table. So to accomplish this I am try...

Export and Import MS Access table defenitions as text files

How can I export/import MS Access table definitions as text files (in a human readable format like I can with Forms or Reports)? I know how I can export the whole table out into CSV file; however: I don't need the data to go (actually really rather that it didn't) When I import a CSV file (especially without data) there's no guarantee...

Better Data access components for windows desktop application

Which one can be the better one data access component for desktop application and why? 1.) For MS Access 2007: ADO, OLEDB, DAO 2.) For MSSQL 2005: ADO, OLEDB, DAO ...

Integrate Access report

How can I integrate Reports done in Microsoft Access in my WPF application? ...

access: LIKE conditional formatting question

i am doing conditional formatting on a report in access i need to check if a certain string exists in a field as the condition in conditional formatting. something like this: [field_name] like '%something%' will this kind of condition work? ...

Access 2007 - Display text fields in drop down list while bundling to an ID

in Access 2007 how can I display text fields in drop down list while bundling to an ID? not while selecting (we can do this by plying with the width field. but what I need after selecting? Do we create a hidden field that stores the ID? ...

Need Query without Field names retriving in MDB?

I am using the MDB as backend, frontend using vb. When i am retriving the output in excel the result provide the output the result with field names. I only need the result, how can i avoid the field name display for that. I am new in this MDB and vb. Please help me for a query providing the result without field names. ...

MSForms.ListBox Type Mismatch in Access

I have an Access database where I use a Tab control (without tabs) to simulate a wizard. One of the tab pages has an MSForms.ListBox control called lstPorts, and a button named cmdAdd which adds the contents of a textbox to the List Box. I then try to keep the contents of the ListBox sorted. However, the call to the Sort method causes a ...

How do Oracle Forms compare to Microsoft Access as a "front-end"?

I recently started a project where I was set to build an ADP based application in Access 2003. The font end GUI was going to be in Access while all the data resided in MS SQL Server. I say "was", because the powers that be have decided that Oracle Forms might be a better choice than Access and SQL Server. The place where I am doing this ...