
at what point in the test cycle are the test results written to a file?

I'd like to take the entirety of the test results and publish it to a database. Got the database, got the table, got the script to publish it. Question is, at what point in the ms-test cycle would the results be fully written to the file? And how can I get the path to that file? I'd especially like to grab the "TextMessages" node and put...

What is the difference between these two Unit Test Assertions?

Hi Guys, Came across the following MS Unit Test: [TestMethod] public void PersonRepository_AddressCountForSinglePerson_IsNotEqualToZero() { // Arrange. Person person; // Act. person = personRepository.FindSingle(1); // Assert. Assert.AreNotEqual<int>(person.Addresses.Count, 0); } I have never seen the use of gene...