I have a C# web app project which actually has no ASP.Net or C# in it. It's just a single html page with some Javascript, CSS, and a couple of images.
I want to use MSBuild to deploy a version of this app to an output folder with minified JS and CSS.
With the following code, I get an error "CSC: fatal error CS2008: No inputs specified...
I am using CC.Net with MSBuild tasks to build an application that is composed of a number of solutions and projects. We are using the AssemblyInfo MSBuild Community task to update version info in AssemblyInfo.cs. Unfortunately the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute doesn't get in and the AssemblyInfo task tells me that the AllowParti...
I have a script that attempts to construct an ItemGroup out of all files in a certain directory while excluding files with certain names (regardless of extension).
The list of files to be excluded initially contains file extensions, and I am using Community Tasks' RegexReplace to replace the extensions with an asterisk. I then use this ...
I'm looking to use the fileUpdate task from msbuildtasks.tigris.org to modify image src's as part of our web setup project so that they will point to a static img sub domain (or later a CDN)
I can run a task within a given project with:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
I have a script, that I will use together with cc.net. But for now I'm facing a problem with the RepositoryPath attribute. The following script (extract of the sample script from MSBuildCommunityTask) is giving me troubles:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"
In my msbuild script I'm creating a zip file with year/month/day in the zip filename, but month and day are always written with no leading zero.
Is there a way to add leading zero to my zip filename?
<Output TaskParameter="Year" PropertyName="Year" />
<Output TaskParameter="Month" PropertyName="Month" />
<Output TaskParame...
Please go easy I am new to msbuild and msbuildtasks!
How can I set a property which represents a relative file path to a targets file which I want to import? I need relative references so it will work on all dev machines. But the target for import is trying to use the relative file path internally, which won't work as it is re-evaluat...
I copy the MSBuild.Community.Tasks.xsd file in MSBuild Commnunity Tasks source code to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Xml\Schemas\1033\MSBuild\ folder of Visual Studio to get the Intellisense for the tasks but it doesn't work!
I did try to add the schema using the property pane when editing the .proj files but wheneve...
I'm using VS 2010 RC1. I download MSBuild Community Tasks (MCT) and install it. (To give full information, I have also installed MSBuild Extension Pack)
Then, in order to have Intellisense work for MCT 's tasks, I copied the file C:\Program Files\MSBuild\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.xsd to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Vis...
Hi, i want to use MSBuild to insert a custom xml element into web.config. After looking up online, i found such solution:
1) Store element in the .build file in projectextensions
<CustomElement name="CustomElementName">
2) Retrieve the element with GetValue
<Target na...
Can't figure out how to get the last part of
For example, if the value was "c:\development\projects\project_branch"
then, I want just the last part "project_branch".
Any ideas?
I'm using these two tasks of MSBuild Community Tasks and feel quite annoyed when the read/updated xml element's content keeps printing in the logger. Is there anyway to suppress it?
For example, I have this line:
<forms loginUrl="/redirecttosignin.aspx" name="NAME_HERE" requireSSL="false" timeout="60" domain=".blah.com" />
And I want to delete the "name" attribute altogether. I know I can do this to blank it:
<forms xmu:key="loginUrl" loginUrl="/redirecttosignin.aspx" name="" />
But, I literally want to get t...
I have to Zip my folders and subfolders Using MSbuild, I was looking at the MSBuild Extension pack, and tried this
<ZipFiles Include="\Test\Web\**\*.*" >
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Compression.Zip TaskAction="Create" CompressFiles="@(ZipFiles)" ZipFileName="$(WorkingD...
I have winforms project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
<section name="MyClient.Pro...
I'm using MSBuild Community Tasks to automatically update my assembly version numbers according to my Subversion repository tag. I have added the following to my project file:
This gives me a new AssemblyInfo.cs file: unfortunately I need to add the following to get my MStests to work properly:
[assembly: System.Runtime.C...
We use MSBuild to run a project which, among many other things, reads some values from an XML file by means of the XMLQuery task from the Community Tasks package. It worked fine under MSBuild 3.5 but when run under 4.0 it fails with the following message:
error MSB4018: The "XmlQuery" task failed unexpectedly.
System.Xml.XmlException: ...
How to use MSBuild Community Tasks in Team Build 2010? As you know TFS 2010 uses Windows Work Flow instead of Tasks and Target like previous version.
Many Thanks
I am using MSBuild/yuicompressor to combine and minify JavaScript.
As part of this process, I want to modify my script references so they have a timestamp in the querystring. That way, a user always gets the non-cached version of the file when a new release is published. For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/combine...
Hi all,
Is there any tutorial to show how can I use MSBuild tasks like FtpUploadDirectoryContent to copy file/directory to a remote host using FTP in Team Build 2010? I never used a MSBuild task in TFS 2010.