
MSP 430 Code problem

I'm developing pressure measuring device. I've used MSP430F133 chip and using IAR embedded workbench. It shows pressure in 3 diff units. I'm taking 32 samples and averaging it. Unit selection on P5, according to the unit selected output value is calculated and displayed on LCD. now a unit "IN WC" is showing binary averaged vale of inp...

mono for emdedded

I'm C# developer, I'm interested in embedded development for chips like MSP430. Please suggest me some tool and tutorials. Mono framework is very powerful and customizable, mono specific examples will be more helpful. ...

C language: #DEFINEd value messes up 8-bit multiplication. Why?

I have the following C code: #define PRR_SCALE 255 ... uint8_t a = 3; uint8_t b = 4; uint8_t prr; prr = (PRR_SCALE * a) / b; printf("prr: %u\n", prr); If I compile this (using an msp430 platform compiler, for an small embedded OS called contiki) the result is 0 while I expected 191. (uint8_t is typedef'ed as an unsigned char) If I ch...

Writing embedded application for msp430?

I would like to be able to have a basic OS and a basic file system for the high end MSP430 probably the MSP430F5438. I know I can go with something like FreeRTOS , IAR PowerPac or Micrium to name just some of the options for the OS and file system. However I would like to be able to also have the ability to load little applets or threads...

what do these instructions do

I am working on a simulator for the msp430 instruction set. gnu assembler will let you encode instructions like these: fc0a: 12 10 00 02 rrc &0x0200 fc0e: 22 11 rra #4 fc10: 23 52 add #4,#2 My guess is that rrc &0x0200 will fetch from address 0x0200 perform the rotate then write the answer back to address 0x0200...

FreeRTOS configTICK_RATE_HZ problem

Hi, I am using an MSP430f5438 with version 5.4 of FreeRTOS. I am having a funny problem that I can't figure out. Basically, when I set configTICK_RATE_HZ to different values, the LED blinks faster or slower; it should stay the same rate. It blinks slower the higher i set configTICK_RATE_HZ, and faster when I set TICK_RATE lower. vTas...

FreeRTOS Sleep Mode hazards while using MSP430f5438

Hi, I wrote an an idle hook shown here void vApplicationIdleHook( void ) { asm("nop"); P1OUT &= ~0x01;//go to sleep lights off! LPM3;// LPM Mode - remove to make debug a little easier... asm("nop"); } That should cause the LED to turn off, and MSP430 to go to sleep when there is nothing to do. I turn the LED on during...

Declaration of arrays before "normal" variables in c?

Hi We are currently developing an application for a msp430 MCU, and are running into some weird problems. We discovered that declaring arrays withing a scope after declaration of "normal" variables, sometimes causes what seems to be undefined behavior. Like this: foo(int a, int *b); int main(void) { int x = 2; int arr[5]; ...

TI MSP430 Interrupt source

Guys, I know that when working with the MSP430F2619 and TI's CCSv4, I can get more than one interrupt to use the same interrupt handler with code that looks something like this: #pragma vector=TIMERA1_VECTOR #pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_A (void){ ServiceWatchdogTimer(); } My question is, when I find myself in...

How to correctly calculate address spaces?

Below is an example of a question given on my last test in a Computer Engineering course. Anyone mind explaining to me how to get the start/end addresses of each? I have listed the correct answers at the bottom... The MSP430F2410 device has an address space of 64 KB (the basic MSP430 architecture). Fill in the table below if we know ...

How to get FreeRTOS on MSP430 using CCE?

I'd like to get FreeRTOS running on an MSP430 processor using Code Composer Essentials v3.1. I found an example of just this at Specifically I’m working with, the top one. When I try to open it with CCE I get an error that the workspace "was not created by this version ...

IAR MSP430 compiler internal error while compiling

IAR C/C++ Compiler for MSP430 5.10.1 [Evaluation] ( I get an illegal state internal error when attempting to compile the FreeRTOS 5.4 Task.c file (everything else compiles fine) Internal Error: [CoreUtil/General]: Illegal state The kick start version of IAR (MSP430 version) works fine. Any thoughts? ...

My timer code is failing when IAR is configured to do max optimization

I have used timer A in MSP430 with high compiler optimization, but found that my timer code is failing when high compiler optimization used. When none optimization is used code works fine. This code is used to achieve 1 ms timer tick. timeOutCNT is increamented in interrupt. Following is the code //Disable interrupt and clear CCR0 ...

Timer a usage in msp430 in high compiler optimization mode

Hi, I have used timer A in MSP430 with high compiler optimization, but found that my timer code is failing when high compiler optimization used. When none optimization is used code works fine. This code is used to achieve 1 ms timer tick. timeOutCNT is increamented in interrupt. Following is the code, //Disable interrupt an...

What is difference between MSP430 and MSP430X?

Any comparison table available ? Regards Adnan ...