
Do I only need to check the users machine for the version of the MSVCR90.dll that was installed with my python installation?

I was working on an update to my application and before I began I migrated to 2.62 because it seemed to be the time to. I walked right into the issue of having problems building my application using py2exe because of the MSVCR90.dlls. There seems to be a fair amount of information on how to solve this issue, including some good answers...

can you redistribute msvcrtxx.dll from an app build using visual studio express?

When you download visual C++ 2008 express edition This file exists: ./Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC90.CRT/msvcr90.dll In the file redist.txt it says "The following list is a list of files available with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for redistribution under the Visual Studio 2008 license. If the Microsoft sof...

How to link against msvcr90.dll with mingw gcc ?

How to link against msvcr90.dll with mingw gcc? I tried -lmsvcr90, here's the minimal example: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { printf("%s\n", "hello"); return 0; } My OS is win7, with mingw gcc 4.5.0 $ gcc -v ... gcc version 4.5.0 (GCC) $ gcc hello.c -lmsvcr90 $ a Then I got this error: R6034 ...