
Why doesnt Multi Args in constructor work under linux?

For my exception class i have a constructor that has multi arguments (...) which works fine under windows, how ever, under linux it compiles fine but refuses to link to it. Why does this not work under linux? here is an example: class gcException { public: gcException() { //code here } gcException(uint32 errId, ...

Rails, using time_select on a non active record model

I am trying to use a time_select to input a time into a model that will then perform some calculations. the time_select helper prepares the params that is return so that it can be used in a multi-parameter assignment to an Active Record object. Something like the following Parameters: {"commit"=>"Calculate", "authenticity_token"=>"e...

Templating boost::bind to automatically handle multiple arguments for member function

I have a class with an "Attach" function that accepts a function object and stores it into a collection. The class itself is templated on the function signature. Something like this: template<class Signature> class Event { public: void Attach(boost::function<Signature> signature) { MySignatures.push_back(signature); } private: ...