
CUDA: Memory copy to GPU 1 is slower in multi-GPU

My company has a setup of two GTX 295, so a total of 4 GPUs in a server, and we have several servers. We GPU 1 specifically was slow, in comparison to GPU 0, 2 and 3 so I wrote a little speed test to help find the cause of the problem. //#include <stdio.h> //#include <stdlib.h> //#include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <iostream> #include <f...

How to resolve CGDirectDisplayID changing issues on newer multi-GPU Apple laptops in Core Foundation/IO Kit?

In Mac OS X, every display gets a unique CGDirectDisplayID number assigned to it. You can use CGGetActiveDisplayList() or [NSScreen screens] to access them, among others. Per Apple's docs: A display ID can persist across processes and system reboot, and typically remains constant as long as certain display parameters do not ...

Recommendations for Open Source Parallel programming IDE

What are the best IDE's / IDE plugins / Tools, etc for programming with CUDA / MPI etc? I've been working in these frameworks for a short while but feel like the IDE could be doing more heavy lifting in terms of scaling and job processing interactions. (I usually use Eclipse or Netbeans, and usually in C/C++ with occasional Java, and ...