
java 1.4 :how to insert multiple records in a database with one single hit using executeBatch?

i am reading records data from a file(records count can be up to thousands ).Now i want to insert each record in to database.I want to insert all of records in one hit to reduce performance hit. If i use addBatch(String sqlQuery ) on statment object,my sql query should be static .but in my case query will be non static.Please tell me pos...

How to change one-to-one relationship to one-to-many relationship in MySQL?

I currently have a user's table which contains a one-to-one relationship for Youtube OAuth tokens. However, I now want to support multiple video sites and want to break this into a one-to-many relationship. I have setup the new tables: tokens - cols: id, site, username (the user's username on Youtube), oauth_token, oauth_secret ...

Sql Server 2005 multiple insert with c#

Hello. I have a class named Entry declared like this: class Entry{ string Id {get;set;} string Name {get;set;} } and then a method that will accept multiple such Entry objects for insertion into the database using ADO.NET: static void InsertEntries(IEnumerable<Entry> entries){ //build a SqlCommand object using(S...

MySQL - how many rows can I insert in one single INSERT statement?

depends on the number of values sets? depends on the number of bytes in the INSERT statement? ...