
Return Multiple Results in Linq2Sql without a stored procedure?

Hi folks, i would like to return two record sets from a simple database table with one Linq2Sql query. I know how to do it if this was using Linq2Sql calling a stored procedure, but I don't want to use a stored procedure. Is it possible to do it? I've found an article here that has a suggested solution, but i hate the idea of having ...

How do I edit multiple records in one Ruby on Rails form?

I'm making a simple to-do list application to teach myself Ruby on Rails, however I've run into a problem. I have a simple form that lists to-do items with a check box to the left of them, and an "Update" button at the bottom, as so: [ ] Do the dishes [ ] Take out the garbage [ ] Take over the world ( Update ) Each to-do item is a sepa...

How do I set a unique ID for checkboxes in a multi-record Rails form?

I've set up a Rails form roughly following the instructions in this Railscast. Here's the code for the form: <% form_tag complete_todos_path, :method => :put do %> <ul> <div id="incomplete_todos"> <% @incomplete_todos.each do |todo| %> <%= render :partial => todo %> <% end %> </div> </ul> <%= submit_tag...