
How is multiple selection working in this example?

The relevant snippet of HTML: <span class="a"> <div class="fieldname">Question 1</div> <input type="text" value="" name="q1" /> </span> The relevant jQuery: $.each($('.a'), function(){ $thisField = $('.fieldname', $(this)); }); What exactly is being set to $thisField? If my understanding of multiple selectors in jQuery is correct, ...

jquery class and this selector

I am trying to find the correct jquery way to select only a certain class within the currently active div: $('.imageScroll').mouseover(function() { $('.descBox').filter(this).show(500); }); markup: <li> <div class="descBox"></div> </li> <li> <div class="descBox"></div> </li> ...

CSS Multiple selection based on parent

Hello! For the below code: <div id="main"> <div class="one"></div> <div class="two"></div> <div class="three"></div> </div> I want to select all of the 3 divs inside by class name and parent like this: div#main div.two div.three{/*apply common properties for all 3*/} ^ Doesn't work. This is an abstract example so...