
How does the Entity Framework tell whether a multiplicity of "one" or "zero or one" should be used on a relationship?

I'm programmatically creating an edmx file as part of our code generation process and I'd like to know how the designer decides to use "1" or "0..1" for a relationship when you "Update model from database". Any insight on this? Thanks Edit: Ok, I think it uses "0..1" when the "many" side is a nullable foreign key and "1" if it's not nu...

Entity Framework - Change Relationship Multiplicity

I have a table [User] and another table [Salesperson] in my database. [Salesperson] defines a unique UserID which maps to [User].UserID with a foreign key. When I generate the model with Entity Framework I get a 1-to-Many relationship between [User]-[Salesperson], meaning that each User has a "Collection of Salesperson", but what I want ...

What is the importance of association multiplicity in class diagrams?

What is the importance of association multiplicity in class diagrams? Why and when should we indicate them? Thanks. ...