
ASP.NET MVC Model vs ViewData For Select Lists

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with quite a few drop-down lists and multi-select lists. Essentially, a lot of lists of options. My question is; is it better to pass these lists to the view as part of the Model, or as ViewData? I am currently passing them as ViewData as I don't really need them on the model and they seem potentially ...

.NET MVC MultiSelectList and selected values

I am trying to set the selected values for a MultiSelectList but the page does not display any values as selected. I have tried every practical way to do this and still get the same results. I am currently trying to pass a list of selected objects in via the constructor. What gets me is that when i inspect MultiSelectList object, the se...

Drupal taxonomy multi-select default value

I'm using drupal 6.16 and have a set of taxonomy terms that are set up as a multi-select box. I would like for the first item to be selected when the user loads the page. I dont know if I need to add code to a file or just simply change a setting. I should warn you I do not have a lot of experience, but would rate myself as a low inter...