
Send file in chunks using multithreading

I want to send a file in chunks by calling a function that calls a webservice using multithreading. The following is a brief of the code: int chunkSize = "whatever in byte"; byte[] fileBytes = ConvFileToByte("the pathe of the file"); int numberOfParts = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)fileSize / chunkSize); for (int i; i< numberOfParts; i++...

.NET Thread.Abort again

Again I want to talk about safety of the Thread.Abort function. I was interested to have some way to abort operations which I can't control really and don't want actually, but I want to have my threads free as soon as possible to prevent thread thirsty of my application. So I wrote some test code to see if it's possible to use Thread.A...

wait and notify in C/C++ shared object

How to wait and notify like in Java In C/C++ for shared memory between two or more thread?I use pthread library. ...

Usage of Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor

The javadoc for Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor says "... the returned executor is guaranteed not to be reconfigurable to use additional threads". What does the above sentence mean? Does it mean the returned instance may not have nested threads? ...

Thread Safe shared object expiry and reinitialisation

I have some read-only data that I want to initialise and then re-initialise periodically in a thread-safe manner. For initialisation I've pulled in Joe Duffy's LazyInit and LazyInitOnceOnly structs as detailed in his blog, which use the Double-Checked locking pattern. So my current implementation of the getter simply wraps around his L...

Set the name of a thread created with SetTimer() API

I create a Windows timer using the following FHandle := SetTimer(0, 0, 1000, TFNTimerProc(@TMyClass.MyMethod)); Is this thread shown in the Delphi "Threads" window. If Yes how I can get this Thread ID? ...

A Wrapper to hardware functions

I'm developing a project and I have to make a wrapper to some hardware functions. We have to write and read data to and from a non-volatile memory. I have a library with the read and write functions from the seller company. The problem is that these functions should be called with a delay between each call due to hardware characteristic...

Background Process (periodic "service") in WinForm Application

What is the best practice for setting up a background process that runs every 10 minutes in a WinForm project? Is it to use a backgroundworker off of the form? Or is there a more generic way that would apply to many more project styles? Maybe some code I should call right before the line: Application.Run(new Form1()); ...

A Thread Scheduler for an Real Time Embeded Operating System.

I have been given the task to fix an Embedded Operating System which is written in C/C++. The Current thread scheduler being used is very similar to Round Robin Scheduling, except it lacks one very important feature, the ability to interrupt threads and then return executing thus creating a dependable "slice" of execution time. My Qu...

Limit of PostMessage message size?

I'm sending a log message to the main form using this: For send the message: procedure LogMsg(Msg: string; Kind:TMsgType=msgNormal); var p: pChar; begin case Kind of msgError: Msg := '[Error] ' + Msg; msgInformation: Msg := '# ' + Msg; msgExternal: Msg := 'Plugin: ' + Msg; end;//if GetMem(p, (Length(Msg) + 1)*S...

Is ACE reactor timer managment thread safe?

I have a module that manages timers in my aplication. This class has basibly three functions: Instance of ACE_Reactor is used internally by the module to manage the timers. schedule timer - calls ACE_Reactor::schedule_timer(). One of the arguments is a callback, called upon timer experation. cancel timer - calls ACE_Reactor::cancel_t...

Change Thread Session ID Windows C++

How could I start a thread in a different session? I need to start a thread in the interactive session (session 1) from a service in the non-interactive session (session 0). I have done this with a process before by using SetTokenInFormation and DuplicateTokenEx and then passing this to CreateProcessAsUser. I was hoping I could do the sa...

How can I process xml asynchronously in python?

I have a large XML data file (>160M) to process, and it seems like SAX/expat/pulldom parsing is the way to go. I'd like to have a thread that sifts through the nodes and pushes nodes to be processed onto a queue, and then other worker threads pull the next available node off the queue and process it. I have the following (it should have...

Producer/Consumer For Talking to Devices Serially

Here is my problem: I have to be able to send and receive to a device over serial. This has to be done in a multi-threaded fashion. The flow is as follows: Wait for device to send me something - or if idle, then query status to see if online with device If device sends me something, then process message, acknowledge, and tell device to...

Confusion of thread synchronization problem.

It makes me confused when I read the article by Zarko Gajic today: "Multithreaded Delphi Database Queries" Article URL: Sourecode: With the code of "TCalcThread.Execute" procedure, Why the following code do not need ...

Thread.Join in a shared hosting environment

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me - I've been programming VB.Net for a long time but have rarely had to do much threading in ASP.Net. I'm attempting to take "screenshots" of websites using an in-memory browser. These images are then logged in a DB and written to the local file system. When I run it on my local server, it all works f...

Threading Question

Possible Duplicate: Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET? I have typical producer and consumer threading issue. However the only difference is that the producer is allowed to build up a buffer of 5 items after which it has to wait until some items are consumed. What would be the best solutions to implement this in c#. Currently...

Thread Synchronization in Changed

Hey, I have a list of objects, for each object i want to run a totally separate thread (thread safty),like....i will pick one a object from my list in while loop and run a thread and then for next object run the next threads...all thread should be synchronized such that resources (values/connection (close/open) )shared by them s...

How do I update an ObservableCollection via a worker thread?

I've got an ObservableCollection<A> a_collection; The collection contains 'n' items. Each item A looks like this : public class A : INotifyPropertyChanged { public ObservableCollection<B> b_subcollection; Thread m_worker; } Basically, it's all wired up to a WPF listview + a details view control which shows the b_subcollection...

Determine owner of a BitmapSource?

I have a BitmapSource that was created and frozen by a background thread. On the UI thread I want to rotate the image and freeze it again (so the background thread can create thumbnails). // transforming the image works var img=new TransformedBitmap(Image, new RotateTransform(90)); // but Freeze is not allowed - will throw "The calling...