
MVCContrib grid - sorting and paging

Every example I've run across demonstrating paging and sorting assume that the controller action that populates the grid does a getAll on the datasource. However in my application I am calling a web service that performs a search based on some form criteria passed in. When the pager or sort calls the action it sends nulls for all of th...

Images in MvcContrib Grid

Hi guys, Topic question: If i already have helper which returns me image according with parameter (true or false) I called it like this <%=Html.Status(item.Availible)%> and it is returns me I was thisnking to use MvcContrib but i cant use <%= %> syntax in embeded blocks

Can I constrain a route parameter to a certain type in MVC?

I have the following route: routes.MapRoute( "Search", // Route name "Search/{affiliateId}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Syndication", action = "Search" } // Parameter defaults ); Is there a way I can ensure "affiliateId" is a va...

Problem with MvcContrib

I want to use MvcContrib Grid helper, but i stuck on the problem - it's not working. I downloaded release for mvc 1, i have dll on my hard drive, i added a reference to my project, but i always getting following error: Error 1 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'Grid' and no extension method 'Grid' acceptin...

Compile MvcContrib Portable Area with aspnet_compiler

Hi I have a .net mvc 2 web application. I deployed this application using aspnet_compiler and a nant build file like <target name="deploy.advance.application"> <exec program="${aspnet.compiler}" commandline='-f -u -c -p ${} -v temp ${dir.publish.advance.application}' /> <mkdir dir="${

Format boolean column in MVCContrib grid

HI, I am using the MVCContrib grid and I would like to display images depending on the values of a column, e.g.: if the column's value is null display the image "<img src="true.gif">" otherwise display the image "<img src="false.gif"> Furthermore I would also need (this should be the same approeach I think) to display different acti...

Disable a checkbox in a MVcContrib.FluentHtml.CheckboxList

Hi, I have just started to discover FluentHml and I'm stuck with the CheckBoxList Helper. Here is the code <ul> <%=this.CheckBoxList(m=>m.Filter) .Options(criteria.Choices, x => x.Code, x => x.DisplayText) .Selected(Model.Filter) .Label(criteria.Label).ItemFormat("<li> {0} </li>") ...

Why is ModelStateToTempData Attribute from MVCContrib not working?

I'm simply trying to pass the ModelState from one action to another in the same controller, for validation purposes. However, the model state does not get updated. I see that TempData["__MvcContrib_ValidationFailures__"] contains the ModelStateDictionary from the forwarding Action, but I assumed this should get transfered into my current...

Is using something like the MvcContrib Grid a step backwards in code readability?

I mean, now we have all this movement towards separating your html markup from your code as much as possible using modern template engines (in the old days programmers usually just kept concatenating strings in php, which was terrible.) Then I look at a co-worker's code for generating an html table, and it looks like: <% Html.Grid(Mode...

Retrieive ids from the checked checbox itens in a GridView Row

Hello guys, I need present a grid-view in the web page, and based on the checkbox that each grid row has I want to retrieve and submit a value of the ID of each grid column. I'm using mvc and the mvc contrib grid, but accept suggestions on how to do via JQuery or Javascript too. Thanks. ...

How do I build MVC Contrib for .NET 4?

I've downloaded the source code, converted the solution to VS10 format, fixed all compilation errors (mainly deleted references to .NET 3.5 versions of System.Web.Routing and System.Web.Abstractions and added .NET 4 versions in their places) and compiled the project. But when I add a reference to one of the output assemblies (in this ca...

assembly problem mvc / mvc contrib

I am using the s#arp framework and want to use the latest mvc contrib. This means that I have to use mvc 2.0. So I refrenced the latest 2.0 dll for mvc 2.0 and the latest mvc contrib dll but still get this error: Error 1 Assembly 'MvcContrib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'System.Web.Mvc, Versi...

InputBuilder's PartialView("My") doesn't work

my viewmodel public class CaseCreateInput { [PartialView("My")] public object AreaId { get; set; } } My.aspx partialview <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="Field.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<PropertyViewModel<object>>" %> <%@ Import Namespace="MvcContrib.UI.InputBuilder.Views"%> <asp:C...

MvcContrib.UI.Grid pagination problem

Hi, I have an object which contains quite a few other objects in an IList called possible values. I have successfully used the mvccontrib grid plus paging before but would like to add the grid to the object’s page – hope you know what I mean. So I did something like this in my controller: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ViewResult ...

mvc contrib grid + forms

Hi, Did anyone ever manage to create forms within the grid? Attempt (which does not work): <%= Html.Grid(ViewData["xyz"] as IEnumerable<xyz>).Columns(column => { column.For(gf => gf.Value).Named("Value"); column.For(gf => <% using (Html.BeginForm("deletebla", "controllername", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "deleteF...

MVCContrib - Using Html.StyleSheet() Helper Renders Incorrect Path when used with T4MVC

I am using the latest version of MVCContrib and attempting to include a stylesheet via the following helper method: <%=Html.Stylesheet(Links.Content.Site_css)%> The path rendered is incorrectly calculated as: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/content/css/Content/Site.css" /> The actual path should be: /Content/Site.css ...

Can't acces my Portable Area in MVCContrib MVC2

Hi, I need help. I can't access my portable area from my main project. I build everything and I get a 404 error when trying to access this portable area (localhost:123/IW/Home), but all my regular areas are working fine (ex: localhost:123/Portal/Home) Here's what I did in order to install my portable area -I downloaded MVCContrib -I add...

How to resolve an user repository using Windsor IoC at the start of the application?

I get an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when I try to use an UserRepos repository. Question is how can I resolve user repository at the start of the application (ASP.NET MVC) What is wrong here? public class MyApplication : HttpApplication { public IUserRepository UserRepos; public IWindsor...

MVCContrib RadioSet validation

I have Composite model. I am building radioset using MVCContrib <%= this.ValidationMessage(x => x.Building.Type)%> <%= this.RadioSet(x => x.Building.Type).Options(Model.Types).ItemFormat("{0}")%> Class Building (property of the model) contains Int property Type. [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please choose Type")] public int Type { get; se...

TempDataExtensions from the winter of 2007---still needed in MVC2?

This extremely cool article written in the winter of 2007 shows me this code: public static class TempDataExtensions { public static void PopulateFrom(this TempDataDictionary tempData, object o) { foreach (PropertyValue property in o.GetProperties()) { tempData[property.Name] = property.Value; } } public stati...