
search query in mysql

Hi, I have written query of search program by MATCH(...) AGAINST(...) mysql query. But i m not getting perfect result. I want maximum keyword search result should be in top and so on. Like if am searching "part time jobs in India". And suppose i have some records of title like 1)"get part time jobs in India" 2)part time jobs 3)jobs ...

&(ampersand) character is not inserting database

When i am inserting value from textarea my sql query is not inserting data after '&' character.before '&' all character is being update in database.I am using mysql_real_escape_string() function. What is should to for these special character ? ...

How to encode uploaded video files to .flv format in PHP

My platform is PHP JOOMLA MYSQL. I want to encode and load uploaded video files of different formats to .flv. I want this to implement in a video upload site where the users can see the videos in front-end after uploading and also I want to implement download options for them in mp4 and flv. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in ad...

PHP & MySQL check database if data is entered question.

I was wondering how can I check if there is no tags entered into the database for a specific post if there are none, display no tags have been entered. How can I do this using PHP? Here is my PHP & MySQL code. $tag = array(); $dbc = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT tags.tag FROM posts_tags INNER JOIN t...

Can I synchronize many records from sqlite database from iphone to mysql database on server.

Hi everyone, Currently I am developing an iPhone app with sqlite database, this database just has only one table with many records. And my server is using MySQL database. I would like to ask: Can I send many records from sqlite database to MySQL database to update the table in MySQL database. Because I think I can do update with just o...

mysql: conditional statement problem, greather then

When I run this query It works SELECT sum( amount ) AS balance FROM balance WHERE amount >= 100 but when I want to filter for the userid it returns NULL SELECT sum( amount ) AS balance FROM balance WHERE amount >= 100 AND userid=4 ...

Creating Tables at runtime vs Creating Databases at runtime.

I am building a customer sales and invoicing app for a company.The app is in PHP MYSQL, but I guess that shouldn't matter much. The app structure is as follows: website files: .php, ,.htm, images and css database: containing 20+ tables The app is currently being used by the company and 2 other sister concerns(beta testing mostly). Si...

How to make booking ID by PHP with MySQL Database?

I have case like this: JS100829 0001 JS100829 0002 JS=code 10=year 08=month 29=date 0001=the sequence of today first entry 0002=the sequence of today second entry I need generate this code. Anyone can help me? thanks. ...

I want to change the length of the shortened ID in PHPurl

Hey, I've installed PHPurl a URL shortener (from to my website and customised it to the style of my site. Everything works okay, except it generates the URL id by adding one number each time. For example: .http://) then to . I want it to look a bit more li...

PHP & MySQL array problem.

I'm trying to get the categories name from each array value from the database and then add the categories name to an array $cat_name, how can I do this using PHP & MySQL? $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); $cat_name = array(); $dbc = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT category FROM categories WHERE id = '" . $...

mysql select query

My question is very simple, but I can't seem to find the answer on here. So, All I want to do is select from two tables at once (with identical column names[id]) I currently have "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id='$id_var'" but I also need to check 'table2' aswell. What's the best way to do this without creating a second query? th...

MySQL, sorting before a group by

If I issue a query like this: select c1, c2, c3 from table group by c1; i get distinct results for c1, but how do i sort it (e.g. c2 descending) before the group by? ...

My project works fine on my local machine, but not on the web server

My project is working fine on my local machine but not on the web server. I think it is the stored procedures, because the error that I am getting is: Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in ... The collation of the database is "utf8_general_ci". Just a simple example: I have a stored procedure cal...

How to structure outputed data in specific table order

Hello How would you display / Echo pictures with a name underneeth in the order shown on the example below in php ? Sort of like echoing a friends list. Im looking for how to structure it with code, I guess thats the correct way to explain what I want to achieve, hope that helps. I tried echo ' <tr> <td align=\"center\"> ...

Can anyone recommend a free Opensource Host your own online backup a la carbonite.

Are there any free opensource apps similar to carbonite/online automated backup systems you can host yourself? ...

Translating rails queries for sqlite.

How would i translate these mysql queries to work with sqlite3?: self.find(:first, :conditions => ['concat(first_name, \' \', middle_names, \' \', last_name) = ?', name]) self.find(:all, :conditions => ['(concat(first_name, \' \', last_name) LIKE ?) OR (concat(first_name, \' \', middle_names, \' \', last_name) LIKE ?)', "%#{name}%", "%...

How do I create an empty table with SQL?

This isn't much of an issue with MySQL per-se. The Full Story I'm writing a very small PHP framework. It isn't like existing frameworks where they force you to use a certain methodology. It isn't either like a CMS framework. Trust me, I've seen Zend framework and I've used CMSes like Joomla and WordPress extensively, none of them come ...

org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

Hi Friends, I am new to this forum. I am facing a strange problem. I get below mentioned stack trace though the data gets inserted successfully. Hibernate: select attendee_.attendeeId, attendee_.attendeeName as attendee2_1_ from attendee attendee_ where attendee_.attendeeId=? Hibernate: select attendee_.attendeeId, attendee_.attendee...

Please help with smarty template error

I just moved my website to another server and i got this error message using smarty template Here is part of the smarty file: /** * DIR_SEP isn't used anymore, but third party apps might */ if(!defined('DIR_SEP')) { define('DIR_SEP', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } /** * set SMARTY_DIR to absolute path to Smarty l...

Changing Rails Query to Pure SQL

I'm looking to move the following code away from ActiveRecord to pure SQL for a performance increase. What would be the best way to write this query in pure SQL (MySQL DB)? User.count(:conditions => ["email = ?",params[:email]]) > 0 Thanks ...